Oil and Gas Wells Search
About The Oil and Gas Well Records Search
Retrieve Kentucky oil and gas well header and associated data by searching on a number of parameters including geography, operator, farm name, record number, completion data, etc.
Search results are displayed below in a tabular format, and locations of returned wells are displayed on the map tab (see below for limitations with this functionality). Links are provided in the results for
viewing and download the scanned images of the well documents and logs (including elogs and strip logs), view available well sample and core data, stratigraphic tops information,
completion data, and individual KY Division of Oil and Gas well production data.
- Tabular Results tab: this tab displays the results for each well in a row of data. If displayed on a mobile screen or small browser window, all the data, links to documents and images,
the well report link, and map links are displayed in one column. If displayed on a regular computer screen, the data is displayed in several columns. Well documents, if available,
are displayed to download in the "Documents" column, scanned logs in the "Scanned Log" column, and a link to the "Well Report" (and a map link, if coordinates exist for a well) in the Data and
Map Links column. These results are paged (up to 500 rows of records can be displayed on a page) and can be sorted by using the sort options at the top of the tab.
The "Well Report" link contains all the information for that particular well record. That link will always persist for that well record (cited by KGS record number). Link to this report if you would like to save information about one well or, for instance, would like to send a link about the well to another person.
To get the well report link: open the Well Report in a new window (click "Open in a New Window" when the report is open). Copy the URL from your browser. The well report link is in the format: https://kgs.uky.edu/kygeode/services/oilgas/wellReport.asp?id=[record_number] - Mapped Results tab: this tab displays the wells mapped as points (if the wells have a location) on a simple map interface. If your search returns more than 500 results, the map only displays wells on the current page of tabular results (up to 500 records). If your search returns less than 500 results, all the wells with locations are displayed on the map interface. To map all the results on the Geologic Map Service, click the blue button at the top of the tab (please note that mapping more than 1000 wells on the geologic map service at once may be very slow or timeout).
- Mapped Results tab: use this tab to either download all the well records from the search (data with locations and links), oil production data, gas production data, or stratigraphic tops. If your search returns more than 500 results, well headers, production data, and stratigraphic tops can only be downloaded for the current page of records (data for up to 500 records).
- About changes to the Western KY Office Oil and Gas Records.
- FAQs about oil and gas wells and records: Learn more about the Oil and Gas Records.
- Problems with your search or viewing records? Click here before you call.
- Searching for core? Use the Core Inventory Search page or limit the results here by "Core" (Included Data).
- Searching for well samples? Limit your search to "Samples" (Included Data) on this search page.
- Do you want the complete set of well header data? Download the statewide GIS shapefile of the same well header data available in this search.
- For large and complex data requests or for any questions about this data, please contact Carrie Pulliam at KGS: carrie.p@uky.edu or 859-323-0543.
Note that the text entries are exact entries by default. Use an "*" character (no quotes) to make the search a wildcard search. This is different from the previous version of this search which was a wildcard search by default. For example, if searching for a farm name with the name "Smith", enter "*Smith*" (no quotes) to match the results from the previous version of this search.
Please use search parameters to limit your search results. This is particularly important if you are interested in downloading production data or stratgraphic tops. This search page should be able to handle large amounts of well header results (+500 records), but will work best and be easier to navigate when smaller numbers of records returned. Large number of records (+500) will have a download limit of 500 records per page. If you need to explore large datasets, please download the records and use a software (Excel, Google Sheets, ArcGIS, etc) for analysis. There is also statewide GIS shapefile of the same well header data available in this search that is available here for download: www.uky.edu/KGS/emsweb/data/kyogshape.html.
For large and complex data requests or for any questions about this data, please contact Carrie Pulliam at KGS: carrie.p@uky.edu or 859-323-0543.
Once the results are returned below, three tabs appear:
More Information:

Download well production data from the KY Division of Oil and Gas:
At this time, the production data provided for individual wells is available from 1997 to 2015. Production data is held confidential for one full calendar year and
is made public as soon as it is available after that date. The Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas is the agency responsible for collecting this data and
the most current production numbers are available on their website: KY DOG Production Reports.
The production data provided here is sourced from the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas and presented exactly as reported.
This functionality provides all the available oil and gas production data for the wells returned with the current search (wells with a "Production Data Link" in the results tab). Select either oil or gas production data to download. The number of records for each type of data is displayed above. Data download is a delimited text file or excel file (make selection below) includes all wells and all years of available data for the search criteria.
Large datasets may fail or take several minutes to download. If the dataset fails to download, try limiting the number of wells using the search parameters.
You can also view and plot individual well production data using the "Production Link" for each well with available data (in the results tab).
The production data provided here is sourced from the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas and presented exactly as reported.
This functionality provides all the available oil and gas production data for the wells returned with the current search (wells with a "Production Data Link" in the results tab). Select either oil or gas production data to download. The number of records for each type of data is displayed above. Data download is a delimited text file or excel file (make selection below) includes all wells and all years of available data for the search criteria.
Large datasets may fail or take several minutes to download. If the dataset fails to download, try limiting the number of wells using the search parameters.
You can also view and plot individual well production data using the "Production Link" for each well with available data (in the results tab).
Download well formation tops from the Kentucky Geological Survey:
This functionality provides all the available interpreted formation "tops" (interpreted depth to the top or bottom of a stratigraphic formation)
returned with the current search (wells with a "Formation Tops Link" in the results tab). Data download is a tab-delimited text file or excel file (make selection below).
Large datasets may fail or take several minutes to download. If the dataset fails to download, try limiting the number of wells using the search parameters.
You can also view individual well stratigraphic tops using the "Formation Tops Link" for each well with available data (in the results tab).
Large datasets may fail or take several minutes to download. If the dataset fails to download, try limiting the number of wells using the search parameters.
You can also view individual well stratigraphic tops using the "Formation Tops Link" for each well with available data (in the results tab).