Groundwater Information Via The Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository
The Kentucky Geological Survey maintains databases of research data that are searchable on the Web. Below are links to
services that can be used to find various types of groundwater data, and to other sites with information about water research in Kentucky:
- Search for Water Well and Spring Records
Search for water well and spring data by county, quadrangle, AKGWA number, or radius around a point of interest. Returned data includes information about location, useage, construction, and when available, the lithology and casing data for a well. You can also download the well and spring locations and the lithology and casing data. Map links are also given for plotting on the groundwater map service.
- Download All Water Well Records
Download the latest version of all water wells stored in the KY Groundwater Repository. Download is a Zip file (about 25 MB) containing both an MS Excel (xslx) and ESRI Shapefile of the data. Version is dated in the download (data is updated from the KY Division of Water on a quarterly basis).
- Download All Spring Records
Download the latest version of all springs stored in the KY Groundwater Repository. Download is a Zip file (about 1 MB) containing both an MS Excel (xslx) and ESRI Shapefile of the data. Version is dated in the download (data is updated from the KY Division of Water on a quarterly basis).
- Search for Water Well and Spring Groundwater-Quality Data
Search for water well and spring groundwater-quality data by county, quadrangle, AKGWA number, or radius around a point of interest. You can view and download data from individual wells and springs for 545 different analytes from 15 analyte groups: bulk water properties, caffeine & derivatives, herbicides, inorganics, metals, microbes, nutrients, PCB's, pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, radionuclides, residues, SVOC's, VOC's, and other analytes. Data can be downloaded and a link to the groundwater quality map is provided for each location.
- Water Well and Spring Interactive Map (Geologic Map Service)
This links to the Water Wells and Springs map layout on the KGS Geologic Map Information service. It shows the location of water wells and springs on a topographic basemap from the KGS database. Click a well or spring to get information about that feature. Many other KGS layers are available (geologic map, sinkholes, etc) to be turned on/off through this service.- Search for Water Well and Spring Groundwater-Quality Data
Search for water well and spring groundwater-quality data by county, quadrangle, AKGWA number, or radius around a point of interest. You can view and download data from individual wells and springs for 545 different analytes from 15 analyte groups: bulk water properties, caffeine & derivatives, herbicides, inorganics, metals, microbes, nutrients, PCB's, pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, radionuclides, residues, SVOC's, VOC's, and other analytes. Data can be downloaded and a link to the groundwater quality map is provided for each location.
- Graphical Groundwater-Quality Comparison
- Groundwater-Quality Data Map Service
Use this map service to create a thematic map with the same water quality data (545 different analytes from 15 analyte groups) that is found in the groundwater-quality data search above. Select one analyte from a category and view the analysis results as symbols across the state or an area of interest. Analysis data for each site can also be viewed, and a link back to the data search is provided for data download capability.
- Water Publications
- Major Kentucky River Basins
- Surface Water Quality
This web service is hosted by KGS in partnership with Watershed Watch in Kentucky. The database provides historical water quality sampling results from the Watershed Watch programs in each of the eight major basins in Kentucky. Users can search for and view sampling data, and find data via the map interface.
- Download All Water Well Records
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All files associated with this page are copyrighted © 1997 – 2025 by the Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky.
Contact KGS for questions and comments. Last modified 10/27/2023 3:49:17 PM |