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KGS Databases, Maps, and Publications

Free access to KGS databases, online map services and GIS data, and publications.
Explore Kentucky Geologic Maps
Geologic Map Information Service
Displays KGS-hosted geologic map data in a web browser. With this web map service, you can quickly zoom and pan to view the geologic map for an area of interest, overlay and identify other KGS data (water, oil and gas wells, coal, etc), view a detailed legend, and query and access information about the geologic units.
KGS GeoMobile
A mobile web application that can be used in a variety of supported mobile devices (iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc..) and tablets (iPad, Galaxy Tablet, Kindle Fire, etc...) for displaying Geologic formations, oil and gas fields and wells, mapped sinkhole outlines, and other geologic information. Only a mobile web browser is needed to use this service (no "app" to download). Users will need data access to use this service. GPS capability will enable zooming to your location.

Connect and Download Map Data
Download 1:24,000 Kentucky Geologic Map Data (via
Download an ESRI map package (from - for use in ESRI products such as ArcMap) of the 1:24,000 geologic map data for Kentucky. The data in the package is compatible with the GeoSciML portrayal view for geoscience data. The source of the data is the Kentucky Geological Survey map database and consists of mapped geologic units throughout Kentucky. These "DVGQ" data (described in detail here) were digitized as a part of a project supported by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program from 1996-2006 to digitize all 707 USGS 7.5-minute geologic quadrangles of Kentucky into vector format, and compile these data into 1:100,000 scale map sheets. These data are the same detailed geologic map data displayed on the geologic map service.
Connect to KGS Map Services using Desktop GIS
Detailed instructions on how to access KGS data for use in desktop GIS software without having to locally download GIS datasets. A directory of available services is also provided.
Geospatial Data Library
The Kentucky Geological Survey and other state and federal agencies have electronic maps and GIS data that you can download for your use. The KGS GIS data are in ArcView shapefiles (registered by ESRI). The files were zipped using the WinZip utility. All the KGS datasets, unless explicitly noted, are in latitude and longitude, decimal degrees, NAD 83.

Coordinate Conversion Services
  • Convert A Single Coordinate Value
    Use this service to convert a single coordinate value (lat/lon, KY single zone, carter coordinate, etc..) to 14 different coordinate values. Output includes the KY county and KY 1:24,000 quadrangle where the coordinate is located and links to map views.
  • Convert Multiple Coordinates
    Use this service to convert a delimited text file of coordinate values (guidelines given on the page) to a choice of 14 different coordinate values. Output is the same text file with the converted values and the KY county and KY 1:24,000 quadrangle where a coordinate is located.

More KGS Web Map Services
General Geology Map Services:
Geologic Story Maps
Geologic Story Maps
The Kentucky Geological Survey is developing geologically-oriented story maps about locations around the Commonwealth. Explore these maps through this gallery. A tool is also provided to help you create your own ESRI story map from KGS images.

Arches Map Service
Kentucky Arches
This webpage provides a map showing location, information, and photos (if available) for some, but not all, of the natural arches that KGS geologists have visited and photographed, and are located on public lands and are accessed by a defined trail.

Water Map Services:
KGS hosts several services that allow you to view and query water well and spring data, karst potential information, and groundwater water quality data. The water well/spring and groundwater quality data are also searchable through the groundwater information database search service.
water wells
Water Wells & Springs
karst potential
Karst Potential Index (KPI)

about about
groundwater quality
Groundwater Quality

Coal, Oil / Natural Gas, and Minerals Map Services:
Use the map services below to view and query oil and gas well data, coal information, minerals information, and core and sample data. Much of the data displayed on these map services can also be found (and downloaded) through the oil and gas database, coal database, and samples and core library database search services.
oil and gas wells
Petroleum Geology

about info
oil and gas permits
Oil and Gas Permits

injection wells
Disposal and Injection Wells

about info

coal information
Coal Information

about info
coal information
Minerals Information

about info
EARL holdings
EARL Holdings
limestone and dolomite resources
Limestone and Dolomite
Resources of Kentucky

about info
Kentucky Energy-related Map Services:
These two services were developed with support from the Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence, and allow users to view the Energy Infrastructure in Kentucky on an interactive map (Energy Infrastructure map), and to view and query information about existing coal resources in Kentucky (KY Coal Resource Information).
coal resource information
KY Coal Resource Information

coal information
KY Energy Infrastructure

about info
Listed below are various tutorials and presentations on using the KGS Maps and Database services. Added as they become available. If you have an idea/request for a tutorial, please contact us via the feedback form.
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All files associated with this page are copyrighted © 1997 – 2025 by the Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky.
Contact KGS for questions and comments.
Last modified 10/18/2023 4:13:44 PM
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