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Oil and Gas Information

This map layout shows the locations of oil and gas wells on a topographic base map. Each well is symbolized according to its completion characteristics, and can be queried for its record and permit number, surface elevation, and depth. The record number is a link to online documents, including electric logs for the wells. Wells are labeled with permit numbers, but because not all wells have a permit number, the label can be changed to the KGS record number using the tool in the lower right hand corner of the map.

The map is overlain with the Carter Coordinate 1- and 5-minutes grids for reference. Mapped surface faults digitized from the 7.5-minute geologic quadrangle maps are also shown. Additional themes related to oil and gas can be viewed by checking the appropriate boxes under the Map Layers tab, Customize Map item:

Geology: Structure Contours

These are the elevation contours found on each 7.5-minute geologic quadrangle map. Most maps used a different datum, and in some cases the datum changed within maps. Horizontal and vertical lines are shown where datum changes take place. Hence, this layer does not provide a single structure contour horizon, but does depict the general direction and slope of structure. Contour lines can be queried for the unit name of the datum, whether the datum is at the top or bottom of the unit, and its elevation value relative to mean sea level.

Economic Areas: Oil and Gas Fields

The outlines of petroleum fields identified by KGS geologists are shown on the map. Fields are named, identified by dominant fuel type (e.g., oil, gas, etc.), and a DOE field number where available (see the Field Code Master List). These outlines were digitized from the 1:250,000-scale oil and gas maps of Kentucky in 4 sheets. Scanned and georeferenced images of these maps are available on CD-ROM. Under provisions established by Homeland Security, natural gas storage fields are not shown.

Imagery: Shaded Relief

If the 3-D visualization of topography is preferred to the flat base map provided, check this layer and refresh the map.

Zoom to a Carter Grid

To quickly find an area of interest, click the zoom to a location tool, select Geographic Area Type of Carter Grid, then specify a 1- or 5-minute grid cell.

Geologic Map Service Tutorials:

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