KGS oil and gas well records download
Data fields description |
Field | Explanation |
ogID | Unique id number for the data row (useful for GIS - use 'record_number' for KGS identification of the well record). |
record_number | Unique serial identifier for each well in the KGS database. |
justified_permit | Permit issued by the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas. This is the KGS formatted version of the permit that eliminates dashes. |
quadrangle_name | Name of the USGS 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale quadrangle on which the well is located. |
county_name | County in which the well is located. |
original_result | An indication of the manner in which the well was originally completed. An explanation of codes can be found at: completion info. |
operator | Well operator of record when the well was originally drilled. This name matches the drilling records on file at the Kentucky Geological Survey. This name may not match the current operator as recorded for legal purposes in the Division of Oil and Gas database as wells are transfered to new operators. The most recent operator for a well (if the well operator changed during the well history) is recorded in the "most_recent_operator" field below. |
well_number | Well number assigned by the original operator. This number matches the drilling records on file at the Kentucky Geological Survey. This number may change as wells are transferred to new operators. |
call_number | Call Number. |
farm_name | Original farm or lease name (usually mineral owner in the case of severed minerals) under which the well was drilled. This name matches the drilling records on file at the Kentucky Geological Survey and may not match the current farm name as recorded for legal purposes in the Division of Oil and Gas database. |
tdfm_name | Name of the formation penetrated at the total depth of the well. Formation codes are derived from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists stratigraphic code. |
date_completed | Date well was completed, if known |
deeppay_sort | Code to sort the deepest or only producing formation. Formation sorting codes are derived from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists stratigraphic code. |
surface_elevation | Ground-level elevation of the well in feet above sea level. |
measured_depth | Depth of the well drilled plus the depth drilled for a horizontal well (the total depth / length drilled) in feet. |
true_vertical_depth | Vertical depth of the well in feet. |
date_permit_issued | Date well was permitted, if known. |
original_well_class | Original API well classification designated the following codes:
tdfm | The KGS 'formation code' of the formation penetrated at the total depth of the well. Formation codes are derived from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists stratigraphic code. |
deepest_pay | The KGS 'formation code' of the deepest or only producing formation. Formation codes are derived from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists stratigraphic code. |
deepest_pay_name | Name of the deepest or only producing formation. |
footage_drilled | Total number of feet a well has been drilled. |
date_plugged | Date well was plugged and abandoned, if known. |
date_spudded | Date that the original drilling of well commenced, if known. |
original_result_symbol | General well result code for use in plotting the wells in a GIS. Note that the plot symbol codes supplied in this data set have been generalized from the results available in the main Oil and Gas Well Record Database. See the FAQ on result codes for more information.
bore_type | A code indicating the geometry of the well bore:
API_Number | The API-style well identification number for the well. Assigning API numbers is part of an ongoing project to match data between the Kentucky Geological Survey and Division of Oil and Gas databases. As the project proceeds, more API numbers will become available. Due to the nature of the matching process, some API numbers might change as wells are matched and location problems resolved. |
most_recent_operator | The most recent well operator for this well. If there is an entry in this field, the operator changed from the original operator (recorded in the "operator" field above) at some point during the history of the well. |
Basin | The basin in which the well is located. |
WellReport_url | Link to the web page well report for the record_number. This is the results page for the well. |
Documents_url | Link to the pdf of well documents for the record_number, if available. |
Elog_url | Link to the web page of Elog documents for the record_number, if available. |
HorizontalSurvey_url | Link to the web page containing the horizontal survey for the record_number, if available. |
Oil_ProductionData_url | Link to the web page containing oil production data for the record_number, if available. |
Gas_ProductionData_url | Link to the web page containing gas production data for the record_number, if available. |
CoreInfo_url | Link to the web page containing core information for the record_number, if available. |
SampleInfo_url | Link to the web page containing well sample information for the record_number, if available. |
TopsData_url | Link to the web page containing interpreted tops data for the record_number, if available. |
PayData_url | Link to the web page containing pay data for the record_number, if available. |
carter_coordinates | Full carter coordinate for the record_number. The format is (e.g. 24-S-83 150S, 1800W): [1-minute Carter section number]- [5-minute Carter section letter]- [5-minute Carter section number] [Feet from north or south bounding 1-minute Carter coordinate line][Designation of north (N) or south (S) bounding 1-minute carter section line], [Feet from east or west bounding 1-minute Carter coordinate line][Designation of east (E) or west (W) bounding 1-minute carter section line]. Note that some well records may not contain the footage data or 1-minute Carter section number. More information about Carter Coordinates. |
coordinate_system_name | Name of the selected coordinate system for the x_coordinate and y_coordinate. |
coordinate_EPSG | The European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) for the selected coordinate system. This is a standard code describing the selected coordinate system and is useful for GIS and web mapping. |
x_coordinate | The x coordinate (latitude or easting) in the selected coordinate system for the record_number, if available. |
y_coordinate | The y coordinate (longitude or northing) in the selected coordinate system for the record_number, if available. |