Groundwater-Quality Analyte Descriptions
Some categories have descriptions and links to maps for selected analytes.
A subset or increment of a water sample that was taken from a larger sample. Also called gross, lot, raw or grab sample. Bulk samples usually consist of raw water taken directly from a source that is untreated in any way (such as acidified to preserve metals, etc.).

Alkalinity (map image)
Alkalinity refers to the capacity of water to neutralize acid. In uncontaminated water, alkalinity is primarily a measure of dissolved bicarbonate and carbonate; concentrations of other acid- consuming solutes such as hydroxide, silicate, borate, and dissolved organic compounds are usually small compared to the amount of bicarbonate and carbonate. Alkalinity is reported as the equivalent amount of calcium carbonate in mg/L.

The primary source of natural alkalinity is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and in soil gases that dissolves in rain, surface water, and groundwater. Bicarbonate released through dissolution of carbonate minerals also contributes to alkalinity. Major contaminant sources of alkalinity include landfills and other sites where alkaline or basic chemicals have been dumped. High levels of alkalinity may be accompanied by objectionable taste, or precipitation of scale in pipes and containers.

Conductivity (map image)
Conductivity measures the ability of water to transmit an electric current. Pure water is a poor electrical conductor. However, the ability of water to transmit electricity increases as the amount of dissolved solutes increases. Water with high conductivity may have objectionable taste, cause staining, and precipitate scale in pipes and containers. Conductivity is reported in micromhos per centimeter at 25o C, or the equivalent microsiemens per centimeter in the International System of Units.

Hardness (map image)
Hardness describes the capacity of water to precipitate an insoluble residue when soap is used. Hard water reduces the ability of soap to clean clothes; leaves a sticky film on skin, clothes, and hair; and deposits scale in water heaters, boilers, and industrial equipment.

Calcium and magnesium are largely responsible for the behavior of soap in water; therefore hardness is defined as the concentrations of dissolved calcium and magnesium expressed as an equivalent amount of calcium carbonate.

A frequently used classification of hardness in water supplies is:

Hardness CategoryConcentration (mg/L)
Soft0 to 17
Slightly Hard18 to 60
Moderately Hard61 to 120
Hard121 to 180
Very Hardmore than 180

pH (map image)
The parameter pH (negative base-10 logarithm of hydrogen ion activity) is a fundamental water- quality parameter. It is readily measured on-site, indicates whether water will be corrosive, determines the solubility and mobility of many dissolved metals, and provides an indication of the types of gases and minerals groundwater has reacted with as it flows from recharge region to sample site.

The neutral pH of pure water at room temperature is 7.0. Rain that has equilibrated with atmospheric carbon dioxide has a pH value of about 5.6. Streams and lakes in wet climates such as Kentucky typically have pH values between 6.5 and 8.0. Soil water in contact with decaying organic material can have pH values as low as 4.0, and the pH of water that has reacted with iron sulfide minerals in coal or shale can be even lower. In the absence of coal or iron sulfide minerals, the pH of groundwater typically ranges from about 6.0 to 8.5, depending on the type of soil and rock contacted. Reactions between groundwater and sandstones result in pH values between about 6.5 and 7.5, whereas groundwater flowing through limestone strata can have values as high as 8.5.

There are no health-based drinking-water standards for pH. However, pH values that are not near neutral can lead to high concentrations of metals for which there are drinking-water standards and associated health effects. Water with pH higher than 8.5 or lower than 6.5 can produce staining, etching, or scaling. For this reason, EPA has established a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 6.5 to 8.5.

Caffeine & Derivatives
Caffeine and its derivatives are usually sampled for in groundwater when researchers are looking for anthropogenic (human-derived) sources of contamination.

Herbicides are chemical substances designed to kill undesirable plants. They have many uses, from killing weeds in residential lawns and gardens, to clearing industrial areas or railways of all plant material. Smaller amounts are used in farming, forestry and managing wildlife habitats. Herbicides can be selective, intended to kill only certain plants, or non-selective, designed to kill any plant they come into contact with.

2,4-D (map image)
2,4-D belongs to the chemical class of phenoxy compounds. Predominant uses are as a systemic herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in cultivated agriculture, pasture and range land, forest management, home and garden settings, and to control aquatic vegetation.

2,4-D has a low persistence in soils with a half-life less than 7 days, and is readily degraded by microorganisms in aquatic environments. EPA has established a Maximum Contaminant Level of 0.07 mg/L for 2,4-D because the nervous system can be damaged from exposure to higher levels.

Inorganic compounds are traditionally considered to be substances that are mineral in origin as opposed to biologic or carbon-based. Inorganic compounds in groundwater consist primarily of metals, nutrients and salts, but these are broken out into separate categories in the Groundwater Data Repository. Here, inorganics are considered bromide, chloride, fluoride and sulfate.

Chloride (map image)
Chloride is one of the most common anions in uncontaminated groundwater. Most soils, rocks, and minerals contain small amounts of chloride, as does saline water from salt licks or discharges from deep groundwater-flow systems. Other potential sources include agricultural or urban runoff, wastewater from industry, oil well wastes, effluents from wastewater treatment plants, and road salt. Chloride is very mobile in groundwater and is not readily removed by inorganic or biological processes.

Small amounts of chloride are needed for normal cell functioning in plants and animals. Higher concentrations can corrode metal pipes and valves, increase metals concentrations in water, and affect the taste of foods. No significant health threats are associated with moderate chloride concentrations in drinking water. EPA has set the Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for chloride at 250 mg/L because higher concentrations give water an unpleasant taste.

Flouride (map image)
Fluoride is a minor anion, usually present at less than about 1 mg/L in groundwater. Natural sources of fluoride include the mineral fluorite, which is common in carbonate rocks. The major contaminant sources are discharges from fertilizer- and aluminum-production facilities.

Because of the proven value of fluoride in maintaining healthy teeth and bones, it is added to most public water supplies to maintain a concentration of approximately 1 mg/L in the finished water. Although fluoride has a beneficial effect at low concentrations, at higher concentrations it may cause pain and weakness of the bones and staining or mottling of teeth. For these reasons, EPA has established a Maximum Contaminant Level of 4 mg/L in public drinking water, and a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 2 mg/L.

Sulfate (map image)
Sulfate is a major anion in most groundwaters. The most common natural sources of sulfate in Kentucky are oxidation of iron sulfide minerals in coal or shale, and dissolution gypsum or anhydrite in carbonate strata.

There is no primary drinking-water standard for sulfate. EPA has set a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 250 mg/L because water containing higher concentrations has an unpleasant taste that makes it unsuitable for domestic use. Water having sulfate concentrations greater than about 500 mg/L is a mild laxative.

These are analytes measured on-site at a well or spring.

Conductivity (map image)
Conductivity measures the ability of water to transmit an electric current. Pure water is a poor electrical conductor. However, the ability of water to transmit electricity increases as the amount of dissolved solutes increases. Water with high conductivity may have objectionable taste, cause staining, and precipitate scale in pipes and containers. Conductivity is reported in micromhos per centimeter at 25o C, or the equivalent microsiemens per centimeter in the International System of Units.

pH (map image)
The parameter pH (negative base-10 logarithm of hydrogen ion activity) is a fundamental water- quality parameter. It is readily measured on-site, indicates whether water will be corrosive, determines the solubility and mobility of many dissolved metals, and provides an indication of the types of gases and minerals groundwater has reacted with as it flows from recharge region to sample site.

The neutral pH of pure water at room temperature is 7.0. Rain that has equilibrated with atmospheric carbon dioxide has a pH value of about 5.6. Streams and lakes in wet climates such as Kentucky typically have pH values between 6.5 and 8.0. Soil water in contact with decaying organic material can have pH values as low as 4.0, and the pH of water that has reacted with iron sulfide minerals in coal or shale can be even lower. In the absence of coal or iron sulfide minerals, the pH of groundwater typically ranges from about 6.0 to 8.5, depending on the type of soil and rock contacted. Reactions between groundwater and sandstones result in pH values between about 6.5 and 7.5, whereas groundwater flowing through limestone strata can have values as high as 8.5.

There are no health-based drinking-water standards for pH. However, pH values that are not near neutral can lead to high concentrations of metals for which there are drinking-water standards and associated health effects. Water with pH higher than 8.5 or lower than 6.5 can produce staining, etching, or scaling. For this reason, EPA has established a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 6.5 to 8.5.

Metals are inorganic substances consisting of positive ions and containing no carbon. Heavy metals, 28 of which may be found in groundwater, have a specific gravity at least five times that of water. Metals have been separated from the inorganic category in the Kentucky Division of Water database, and are therefore included as a separate category here, because the Repository framework mirrors that of DOW.

Arsenic (map image)
Arsenic is a metalloid that occurs naturally at low concentrations in rocks, soils, plants, and animals. In Kentucky, arsenic is commonly found in sulfide minerals associated with coal and black shales. It is released when these sulfides oxidize during weathering. Once released, arsenic is readily sorbed onto iron oxides and oxyhydroxides. This sorption can limit dissolved arsenic concentrations in groundwater, but can produce high total arsenic concentrations in unfiltered groundwater samples that contain suspended particulate material. Arsenic can undergo biochemical processes to form complex ions that are not readily removed from solution by sorption onto soils or the aquifer matrix.

Arsenic is used as a wood preservative and in paints, dyes, metals, drugs, soaps, semiconductors, animal feed additives, and pesticides. From 1860 through 1910, arsenic was heavily used in embalming fluids. It was banned in 1910 because it interfered with investigations into suspected poisoning deaths, but old graveyards may still contribute arsenic to groundwater. Waste-disposal sites and landfills may be sources of arsenic contamination because of the materials placed there, coal burning can release arsenic, and agricultural drainage can carry arsenic from pesticides into the groundwater. Hydrocarbons from leaking underground storage tanks can dissolve iron oxide minerals in soils, thus releasing naturally occurring arsenic to the environment.

Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water has been linked to cancer of the skin, bladder, lungs, kidneys, nasal passages, liver, and prostate. Arsenic has also been linked to damage of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, immunological, neurological, and endocrine systems. Because of these health effects, EPA set the Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic in drinking water at 0.050 mg/L in 1974. In 2001 EPA announced that this would be lowered to 0.010 mg/L, effective January 2006.

Barium (map image)
Barium is an alkaline earth element that occurs naturally as the mineral barite (barium sulfate) in sandstone and limestone. Barite deposits have been mined throughout Kentucky, primarily in the Inner and Outer Bluegrass Regions. In groundwater, barium concentrations are generally low, because of the very low solubility of barite and the common presence of dissolved sulfate. Where dissolved sulfate concentrations are very low, barium concentrations may be as high as several mg/L. Barium is used in electronic components, metal alloys, bleaches, dyes, fireworks, ceramics, and glass, and as an additive to drilling fluids used in oil and gas wells. Barium may be released to soil and water from the discharge of drilling wastes or from leaking landfills in which barium- containing materials were discarded.

EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level for barium at 2 mg/L. Short-term exposure to higher concentrations can cause gastrointestinal distress and muscular weakness, whereas long- term exposure can cause high blood pressure.

Cadmium (map image)
Cadmium is a metallic element that occurs naturally with zinc ores and in the mineral sphalerite. It is rare in most Kentucky soils and bedrock. Cadmium is a byproduct of the metal industry, especially in zinc-, lead-, and copper refining. Industrial uses include metal electroplating and coating processes, nickel-cadmium and solar batteries, paint pigments, printing inks, stabilizers in plastics, and electrical batteries. It can be released to groundwater from buried wastes containing these materials, and by coal combustion.

Cadmium can be ingested by eating plants grown in contaminated soil, eating fish or seafood from contaminated water, or by drinking water that contains cadmium. Cadmium is a probable carcinogen. Acute exposure can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, liver injury, convulsions, and kidney failure. EPA indicates that long-term exposure to cadmium in drinking water has been linked to health problems such as liver, kidney, bone and blood damage. Because of these adverse health effects, the Maximum Contaminant Level for cadmium in drinking water is 0.005 mg/L.

Calcium (map image)
Calcium is a naturally abundant alkaline earth element and is common in Kentucky rocks and soils. It is generally the most abundant cation in uncontaminated groundwater systems, particularly those in contact with limestone, dolomite, gypsum, or sandstones that contain calcium carbonate cement. Calcium is found in many urban and industrial wastes, and in sewage effluents.

Calcium is a necessary nutrient to ensure strong bones and teeth. There are no health effects of calcium in drinking water; however, it is a primary cause of hardness in water and results in the formation of scale in plumbing and water containers. Calcium concentrations do not limit groundwater use for irrigation or stock water.

The EPA has not set limits on calcium in drinking water, but most water suppliers try to maintain concentrations below about 30 mg/L.

Chromium (map image)
Chromium is a naturally occurring metal that is generally found at very low concentrations in soils and rocks. Its greatest uses are in metal alloys such as stainless steel, protective coatings on metals to impart specific properties, magnetic tapes, and as pigments for paints and other materials. It also has been used extensively for wood preservatives and for pressure-treated lumber. Chromium is rare in groundwater that is not affected by point-source contamination. Chromium compounds are readily sorbed onto soil particles, which limit its mobility.

The largest sources of chromium emissions are the chemical manufacturing industry and combustion of natural gas, oil, and coal. It may also be released from landfills or other solid- waste disposal sites.

EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level at 0.1 mg/L in drinking water. Short-term exposure to chromium concentrations above this can result in skin irritation or ulceration, whereas long-term exposure can damage the liver and kidneys.

Copper (map image)
Copper is a metal that occurs naturally in ore deposits, but only at very low concentrations in most soils and rocks. Copper is an essential element in plant and animal metabolism. Copper is used extensively in plumbing pipes and fixtures, and may be dissolved from water pipes if the pH of the water is less than 7. Copper salts are sometimes added to water-supply reservoirs to suppress algal growth, and copper compounds have been used extensively in agricultural pesticide sprays.

Short-term exposure to copper in drinking water can lead to gastrointestinal distress; long-term exposure can lead to liver or kidney damage. Copper contamination of drinking-water supplies generally occurs from corrosion of household copper pipes; therefore copper cannot be directly controlled or removed from the water-supply system by treatment facilities. EPA has established a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal of 1.3 mg/L. EPA requires water systems to control the corrosiveness of water provided to homes if copper concentrations exceed 1.3 mg/L in more than 10 percent of samples.

Iron (map image)
Iron is a naturally occurring metal that is widely present in soils, rocks, and groundwater. Dissolved iron can exists in either an oxidized (ferric) or reduced (ferrous) state. At normal groundwater pH values, ferric iron is rapidly precipitated as an iron oxide, iron hydroxide, iron oxyhydroxide (rust), or poorly crystalline to amorphous material. Under reduced conditions, ferrous iron is stable and will remain dissolved in groundwater. When pH is low, such as in the case of acid mine drainage, substantial amounts of iron can occur in water.

Iron is commonly associated with acid mine drainage, and is a secondary cause of hardness in water. At concentrations of more than 0.3 mg/L, iron can stain plumbing fixtures and clothing. Iron imparts an objectionable taste to water at concentrations more than 1 mg/L, and is a problem for many industrial uses, such as food processing, paper manufacturing, and brewing at such concentrations.

Iron is an essential element for metabolism in animals and plants, and is vital for transporting oxygen in the blood. There is no EPA primary drinking water standard for iron in water supplies because it presents no serious health threats. There is, however, a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 0.3 mg/L because higher concentrations produce objectionable odor, taste, color, staining, corrosion, and scaling.

Lead (map image)
Lead is a metal found widely disseminated at very low concentrations in soils and bedrock and concentrated in natural ore deposits. In Kentucky, lead has been mined in all regions except the Jackson Purchase, but particularly from the Western Kentucky Fluorspar District in Crittenden and Livingston Counties. Lead is used extensively in plumbing equipment, water service lines, and electrical storage batteries; lesser amounts are used in solder, leaded glass, and radiation shielding. Until recently, lead was added to paint as a pigment and to speed drying, increase durability, retain a fresh appearance, and resist moisture. Lead was also used as an additive to promote efficient gasoline combustion.

Lead can enter the groundwater system from leaking landfills, aerial fallout of exhaust from combustion engines, and coal burning. Lead is strongly sorbed onto soils, which limits its mobility in the natural environment. The most significant source of lead in drinking water is from leaching of lead or lead-based solder in water-supply lines. The capacity of water to leach lead from plumbing equipment is strongly dependent of factors such as the pH, alkalinity, and hardness of the water, as well as the amount of dissolved organic matter and calcium.

Lead can cause a variety of adverse health effects when people are exposed to it for relatively short periods. These effects may include interference with red blood-cell chemistry; delays in normal physical and mental development in babies and young children; deficits in attention span, hearing, and learning abilities of children; and increases in the blood pressure of adults. Long- term exposure to lead has the potential to cause stroke, kidney disease, and cancer. EPA has set a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal for lead in drinking water of zero. Because lead contamination usually occurs from corrosion of household lead pipes, it cannot be removed by the water-supply treatment system. EPA requires public water systems to control the corrosiveness of their water if the level of lead at home taps exceeds 0.015 mg/L. EPA believes this is the lowest level to which water systems can reasonably be required to control lead should it occur in drinking water at their customers&apst homes.

Magnesium (map image)
Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal that is generally one of the most abundant cations in groundwater. It is common in sedimentary rocks, particularly limestones, as well as in soils, and is essential in plant and animal nutrition. Dietary magnesium is also important to human health.

There are no EPA limits of acceptable levels of magnesium in drinking water for either health or aesthetic reasons. However, magnesium contributes to water hardness; so high magnesium concentrations may make groundwater unacceptable for some domestic uses.

Manganese (map image)
Manganese is a naturally occurring cation that is widely present in rocks, soils, and groundwater. Small amounts of manganese are typically present in limestone and dolomite, and in the waters that contact those rocks. Manganese and iron behave similarly geochemically, so high manganese concentrations can be expected from wells and springs that produce water with high iron concentrations. In waters derived from acid mine drainage, it is common for both iron and manganese to be in solution near the mine, but with distance acid is neutralized, iron precipitates, and high manganese concentrations persist.

Manganese is an essential element in plant metabolism. There is no EPA primary standard for manganese in water supplies because there are no identified, serious health threats posed by it. There is, however, a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 0.05 mg/L for manganese because higher concentrations produce objectionable odor, taste, color, corrosion, and staining.

Mercury (map image)
Mercury is a naturally occurring metal. Elemental mercury is a liquid that occurs in some ore deposits; it may also be concentrated around hot springs.

Currently, about 50 percent of mercury use is for electrical products such as dry-cell batteries, fluorescent lights, switches, and other control equipment. Mercury is also used in the electrolytic preparation of chlorine gas and caustic soda, in paint manufacture, and in pesticide production. In the past, large amounts of mercury were used in thermometers and pressure gauges. Forest fires, combustion of fossil fuels, sewage discharge, metal-refining operations, cement manufacture, municipal landfills, and chemical industries are major sources of mercury in the environment.

The health hazards of mercury exposure depend on the form of mercury to which an individual is exposed. Elemental mercury is relatively inert, although it gives off hazardous fumes at room temperature that can be adsorbed through the skin. If swallowed, however, it is not readily absorbed by the stomach, and will usually pass through the body without harm. Inorganic mercury compounds such as mercuric chloride can be inhaled or adsorbed through the skin, and can cause severe kidney damage. Inorganic mercury compounds can also be ingested through consumption of food grown in mercury-contaminated soils.

The greatest health hazards result when anaerobic bacteria mediate the conversion of inorganic mercury to organic methylmercury, which is highly soluble in water and is concentrated in fish and shellfish. People are exposed to mercury primarily by eating fish that have been contaminated as a result of improper disposal of industrial waste and chemicals. Chronic mercury poisoning can result in mood swings and severe nervous disorders. Both short-term and long-term exposure to high mercury levels has been found to cause kidney damage. These health effects have caused EPA to set the Maximum Contaminant Level for mercury in drinking water at 0.002 mg/L.

Selenium (map image)
Selenium is a naturally occurring element that is found at trace levels in many soils and rocks, particularly marine sedimentary rocks. Selenium compounds are commonly used in electronic components, photocopiers, metal alloys, rubber paint pigments, glass-making, and photographic emulsions. Selenium is also used in vitamins, dandruff shampoo, and as a dietary supplement for livestock.

Selenium is an essential trace nutrient which acts as an antioxidant by reducing free radicals that damage cell membranes. However, too much selenium can be harmful. EPA has set a Maximum Contaminant Level of 0.05 mg/L for selenium in drinking water because short-term exposure above this level may cause damage to hair and fingernails, damage to the peripheral nervous system, fatigue, and irritability. Long-term exposure to selenium concentrations above the MCL can result in hair and fingernail loss, and damage to the kidneys, liver, and the nervous and circulatory systems. Studies in animals have shown that elevated selenium concentrations can affect reproductive systems, particularly in fish and birds that feed on aquatic animals. For this reason, the aquatic wildlife standard for selenium in surface water has been set at 0.005 mg/L.

Sodium (map image)
Sodium is one of the most common inorganic solutes in surface water and groundwater. It is abundant in soils and rocks, and highly mobile in aqueous systems. Natural sources of sodium in Kentucky groundwater include saline waters found at depth throughout the state and beneath stream valleys in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field, and salty seeps found throughout the state. The principal contaminant sources are improperly completed oil and gas wells, leaking on-site sewage disposal systems, and road salt. Evaporation of irrigation water can also produce high sodium concentrations that may reach the water table.

Sodium is included on the EPA Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List as a solute that is not subject to national primary drinking-water regulations but may pose some health concerns because high levels may be associated with high blood pressure in some people. Sodium is an essential nutrient for humans, however, and EPA also found that sodium concentrations in most public water-supply systems are not likely to contribute to adverse health effects.

Microbes, or micro-organisms, are single-celled living organisms that can either live by themselves or in a colony of cellular organisms. There are several different types of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses.

Nutrients are chemical substances that living organisms require to grow. In groundwater research, nutrients most often refer to fertilizers that farmers put on fields to aid in crop growth, such as nitrates, ammonia, phosphorus, etc. Cow, horse and pig manure are used as a natural fertilizers, but may contribute nitrates to groundwater.

Nitrogen and phosphorus are the most common naturally occurring nutrients in uncontaminated water. Although both are essential for plant and animal growth, excessive amounts of either can have serious environmental and health impacts. Both nutrients occur as different compounds, depending on the availability of oxygen and bacterial activity.

Nitrogen Nutrients Nitrogen may be introduced to groundwater systems from urban and agricultural fertilizer applications, livestock or human wastes, and defective waste-disposal systems. Caves in karst terrain that house large bat colonies may accumulate large amounts of guano that can contribute nitrogen to groundwater. Nitrogen can be present in groundwater as ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite:
Ammonia (map image)
As reported by most laboratories, ammonia includes both the uncharged ammonia and positively charged ammonium forms of reduced nitrogen. Ammonia in groundwater can originate from natural processes such as decay of organic matter; however, concentrations greater than about 0.2 mg/L are almost always the result of contamination by animal or human waste, or from fertilizer applied to agricultural or urban environments.

Ammonia in drinking water does not present a direct health threat; therefore, there are no health- based limits for its presence. Above-normal ammonium concentrations can be toxic to fish, which may be a concern in karst systems.

Nitrate and Nitrite
(map image (nitrate) | map image (nitrite)
Nitrate is the most common form of nitrogen in groundwater. Nitrite is a reduced form of nitrogen that is unstable in oxygenated environments and is much less common than nitrate in uncontaminated groundwater.

High nitrate or nitrite concentrations in drinking water can cause methemoglobinemia (Blue Baby Syndrome), in which the ability of blood to transport oxygen is impaired. Elevated nitrate levels generally do not adversely affect older children or adults, but may be fatal to infants. High concentrations of nitrate or nitrite also suggest that other serious agricultural or residential contaminants such as pesticides or bacteria may be present.

EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level at 10 mg/L for nitrate-nitrogen and 0.1 mg/L for nitrite-nitrogen because higher concentrations are potentially fatal to infants.

Phosphorus Nutrients
Phosphorus is a common element in the earth&apsts crust, and is an important constituent of the carbonate rocks that make up Kentucky&apsts Bluegrass Region. Most phosphorus compounds and minerals have low solubility, which limits natural concentrations in waters. High phosphorus levels in groundwater usually indicate contamination from fertilizer, sewage systems, or confined animal-feeding operations. Phosphorus in groundwater may be reported as orthophosphate- phosphorus or as total phosphorus:
Orthophosphate (map image)
Orthophosphate is the form of phosphorus in water that is used by plants and animals. Prior to the 1960&apsts, it was added to detergents, but this practice was ended because it promoted excessive algae growth, consumption of dissolved oxygen, and death of aquatic animals when sewage- disposal facilities released the water to streams and lakes. High orthophosphate levels in groundwater generally indicate contamination from fertilizer, sewage systems, or confined feedlot operations.

There are no health-based water-quality standards for orthophosphate in water. The Kentucky Division of Water recommends that orthophosphate-phosphorus concentrations be less than 0.04 mg/L to prevent excessive algae growth.

Phosphorus, total dissolved (map image)
Total phosphorus refers to the sum of all dissolved and particulate forms of phosphorus in an unfiltered water sample. This measurement includes orthophosphate as well as any phosphorus incorporated with organic or inorganic suspended sediment in the water sample. Excessive phosphorus can lead to algal blooms and the resulting depletion of dissolved oxygen in surface- water and karst groundwater systems.

There are no health-based water-quality standards for total phosphorus in water. The Kentucky Division of Water recommends that total phosphorus be less than 0.1 mg/L to prevent algae growth.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), also known as chlorinated hydrocarbons, consist of man-made, organic compounds with up to 10 chlorine atoms that are attached to a biphenyl molecule with two benzene rings. PCBs were banned in the United States in 1979, but may still be present in industrial products produced before that time, such as electrical equipment, hydraulic system fluids, oil-based paints, and some plastics. PCBs have been demonstrated to be a carcinogen.

Pesticides are substances used to control, prevent or destroy any type of pest (undesirable species of animals). Some definitions include herbicides in the pesticide category, because certain plants may be considered “pests”, however in the new Repository data framework, the two categories are separate.

A large number of synthetic organic pesticides have been developed and applied in agricultural and urban settings. Some, such as the organochlorine insecticide DDT, were banned decades ago but still persist in soils and sediments and can still be found in groundwater. Most recently developed pesticides are less persistent in natural environments; however, they may still have undesirable impacts on human health and groundwater-quality.

According to recent agriculture sales data, atrazine, glyphosate, metolachlor, and simazine are the top four animal pesticides sold in Kentucky. Alachlor and cyanazine have also been used extensively in the past. Toxicological information for pesticides was obtained from the Extension Toxicology Network ( and the EPA Integrated Risk Information System (

Alachlor (map image)
Alachlor is used to kill crabgrass and broadleaf plants that occur among various agricultural crops, including peanuts, sorghum, beans, and tobacco. The three primary breakdown products of alachlor (ethanesulfonic acid, alachlor oxanlic acid, and 2,6-diethylanaline) may be found in groundwater and surface water at higher levels than the alachlor itself; however, their health effects are not well established.

Alachlor has not been shown to cause cancer in humans, but can cause cancer in laboratory animals. EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level for alachlor at 0.002 mg/L.

Atrazine (map image)
Atrazine is used as both an agricultural and domestic herbicide for broadleaf and grassy weeds. Atrazine was used extensively in the 1980&apsts for corn and soybean crops. It is a widely used pesticide throughout Kentucky.

Short-term health effects for exposure to atrazine include congestion of heart, lungs, and kidneys; low blood pressure; muscle spasms; weight loss, and damage to the adrenal glands. Long-term exposure can result in cancer, weight loss, cardiovascular damage, retinal and some muscle degeneration. Because of these health effects, EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level for atrazine at 0.003 mg/L.

Cyanazine (map image)
Cyanazine belongs to the chemical class of triazines. It is used mainly to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn. It has low to moderate persistence in soils and is rapidly degraded by microbial activity. Cyanazine has a half-life of 2 to 14 weeks, depending on soil type, and is stable in water. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level for cyanazine; however the Kentucky Division of Water has set a health advisory limit of 0.001 mg/L.

Metolachlor (map image)
Metolachlor belongs to the chemical class of amides. It is mainly used to control broadleaf and grassy weeds in field corn, soybeans, peanuts, grain sorghum, potatoes, pod crops, cotton, safflower, stone fruits, and nut trees, highway rights-of-way, and woody ornamentals. It is moderately persistent in soils with a half-life of 15 to 70 days, and is highly persistent in water. There is no Maximum Contaminant Level for metolachlor; the Kentucky Division of Water has set a health advisory limit of 0.1 mg/L.

Simazine (map image)
Simazine belongs to the chemical class of triazines. It is predominantly used to control broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in fields where berry fruits, nuts, vegetables, and ornamental crops are grown, and on turfgrass. It is moderately persistent in soils, with a half-life of about 60 days, and is moderately persistent in water, with a half-life that depends on the amount of algae present. The Maximum Contaminant Level for simazine is 0.004 mg/L. At higher levels, long-term exposure can cause tremors; damage to testes, kidneys, liver, and thyroid; and gene mutations. There is some evidence that simazine may have the potential to cause cancer from a lifetime exposure at levels above the MCL.

Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Petroleum hydrocarbons are complex mixtures of chemicals that are the primary constituents in oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, and other solvents or types of oil. Note that gasoline compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, or BTEX) are included in the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) category.

A radionuclide is an atom with an unstable nucleus, which emits gamma radiation or subatomic particles (ionizing radiation). They may occur naturally or can be produced artificially. Also referred to as radioactive isotopes or radioisotopes, radionuclides are primarily used either for their chemical properties, such as in tracing the movement of water, or as radiation sources, such as in food preservation.

In chemistry, a residue is any material remaining after the distillation or evaporation of a larger molecule. In groundwater research, residues called total solids are substances remaining after a water sample has been evaporated to dryness. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is the portion of total solids that are retained on a filter, (usually with 0.45 mm pore size), and did not pass through. Total dissolved solids (TDS) is the portion of total solids that has passed through a filter, and the remaining water then evaporated, leaving the TDS residue. TDS is often used as an indicator of the suitability of that groundwater for various uses.

Total Dissolved Solids (map image)
Total dissolved solids is the sum of all dissolved chemicals in water, expressed as mg/L. It can be calculated by adding all the solute concentrations from a complete chemical analysis, or measured as the weight of residue remaining after water has been evaporated to dryness. Total dissolved solids values typically increase with sample depth or the distance that groundwater has traveled from recharge area to sample site.

Total dissolved solids values are a general indicator of the suitability of groundwater for various uses. A common classification for total dissolved solids is
EPA has set a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 500 mg/L for total dissolved solids. Water having a value greater than this has an unpleasant taste and may stain containers or precipitate scale in pipes and faucets.

Total Suspended Solids (map image)
Total suspended solids refers to particulate material in water. Total suspended solids values are typically higher where there is rapid water flow (karst springs, wells that intercept a fracture or karst conduit) and in water from uncased wells that has been stirred during purging prior to sample collection, and lower where groundwater flows slowly through porous media such as sand or sandstones. Total suspended solids values may also include any solids that formed in the sample bottle after collection and prior to analysis.

There are no health standards or cosmetic limits for total suspended solids in water. Some metals and pesticides are readily bound to suspended material, so water high in total suspended solids may also contain important amounts of metals or synthetic organic chemicals which may have health or safety implications. High amounts of suspended material can clog plumbing systems and stain clothing and water containers.

Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOC's)
A semivolatile organic compound has a boiling point higher than that of water (212 degrees Fahrenheit), and may vaporize at temperatures higher than that of room temperature. SVOC&apsts include compounds such as phenols and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). PAH compounds occur in oil and coal deposits and are byproducts of burning either fossil or biomass fuels.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's)
Volatile organic compounds are carbon-based substances having boiling points lower than those of semivolatile organic compounds, and therefore readily produce gases or vapors at room temperature. They include gasoline and solvents used in many industrial applications

The volatile organic compounds benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylene are characterized by a pale to colorless appearance, sweet odor, and high volatilization. They are used as solvents and in the production of plastics, rubber, and resins. They are also components of gasoline and are most commonly introduced to the environment through spills from leaking gasoline-storage tanks, fumes and exhaust from gas-power engines, and runoff from gasoline- or oil-contaminated surfaces such as highways and parking lots. Local groundwater contamination from these compounds can also result from improper disposal of used oil. MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) is an oxygenate additive used to promote fuel combustion and reduce carbon monoxide and ozone emissions from vehicles. Releases to the environment are most commonly the result of leaking underground storage tanks and pipelines, other spills, and, to a lesser extent, from air deposition around refineries or urban areas.

The following summaries of potential sources and health effects of the selected volatile organic compounds were taken from the EPA Web pages “Current Drinking Water Standards” ( and "Integrated Risk Information System" (
Benzene (map image)
Benzene is a clear, colorless, aromatic organic compound that is highly flammable. It is used in the manufacture of gasoline, plastics, rubber, resins, and synthetic fabrics. It is also used as a solvent in printing, paints, and dry cleaning.

The most common sources of benzene in groundwater are leaks from underground gasoline- storage tanks and landfills. Benzene is released to the air by fumes and vehicle exhaust. Industrial discharges and losses during fuel spills can release benzene to soils and water supplies. Runoff from roads or parking lots, and improper disposal of gasoline and oil products around the home, can also contribute benzene to the groundwater system. Benzene does not degrade by reaction with water, but can be degraded by microbes in soil and water.

Short-term health effects of benzene exposure include anemia, immune-system depression, and temporary nervous-system disorders. Long-term effects include chromosome abnormalities and increased risk of cancer. For these reasons, EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level for benzene at 0.005 mg/L.

Ethylbenzene (map image)
Ethylbenzene is a clear, colorless, organic liquid that smells like gasoline. It is used primarily in the manufacture of styrene (a constituent of plastics), and is a component of gasoline. Ethylbenzene is also used in making plastic wrap and rubber, and is a solvent for coatings.

Common sources of ethylbenzene are discharges from petroleum refineries and leaking underground gasoline-storage tanks. Runoff from roads or parking lots, and improper disposal of gasoline and oil products around the home, can also contribute ethylbenzene to the groundwater system.

Short-term exposure to ethylbenzene can result in fatigue, drowsiness, headaches, eye irritation, and respiratory-system irritation. Long-term exposure over a lifetime can induce liver and kidney damage, as well as damage to the central nervous system and eyes. For these reasons, EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level for ethylbenzene at 0.7 mg/L.

Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) (map image)
MTBE (methyl-tertiary-butyl ether) is a gasoline additive used to promote combustion and reduce emissions. The primary sources of MTBE in groundwater are leaks from gasoline-storage tanks or gasoline spills; atmospheric fallout of exhaust gases is also a potential source. Runoff from roads or parking lots, and improper disposal of gasoline and oil products around the home, can also contribute MTBE to the groundwater system.

Potential health effects of MTBE in water have not been established; however, the Kentucky Division of Water has set a risk-based water-quality standard of 0.050 mg/L.

Toluene (map image)
Toluene is a clear, colorless, organic liquid that smells like gasoline. It is used primarily in making benzene, a component of gasoline. Toluene is also used in making urethane, a solvent and coating. Toluene evaporates quickly when released to soils, and within a few hours when released to water. It is not as easily broken down by microbes as are other volatile organic compounds. The largest releases of toluene occur at petroleum-refining operations.

Common sources of toluene in groundwater are discharge from petroleum refineries and leaking underground gasoline-storage tanks. Runoff from roads or parking lots, and improper disposal of gasoline and oil products around the home, can also contribute toluene to the groundwater system.

Short-term exposure to ethylbenzene can result in nervous system disorders such as fatigue, nausea, and confusion. Long-term exposure over a lifetime can result in serious medical problems such as spasms, hearing impairments, memory loss, and kidney and liver damage. Therefore, the EPA has set the Maximum Contaminant Level for ethylbenzene at 1.0 mg/L.

Total Xylenes (map image)
Xylenes are a group of compounds that are clear liquids with a sweet odor. They are used as solvents and in the manufacture of plastics, and are a component of gasoline.

Xylenes in groundwater are usually the result of discharge from petroleum refineries or chemical factories, or leaking underground gasoline-storage tanks. Runoff from roads or parking lots, and improper disposal of gasoline and oil products around the home, can also contribute xylenes to the groundwater system.

The primary health effect of xylenes in drinking water is damage to the nervous system. The Maximum Contaminant Level is 10 mg/L for the sum of O-Xylene, P-Xylene, and M-Xylene.

This category simply includes analytes that do not easily fit into any of the other 14 categories.