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Water Well Records Search Results
Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository

Search Date: 10/6/2024
Search Criteria:
Note that these data represent only information contained in the Kentucky Ground-Water Data Repository, and may not be representative of all hydrologic sites (i.e., wells, springs) in the search area. Water wells did not have to be registered with the State prior to 1985.

If you need to determine whether the water wells or springs in your search area are located within a wellhead protection area, please contact the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water at 502-564-3410. The DEP/DOW groundwater-protection web site is:

Data Report Download:
Map Wells:
Map the wells returned in this search on the geologic map service:
This service plots the wells returned in this search onto the KGS Geologic Map Service. Large datasets (+4000 records) may take awhile (a minute or longer) to load and plot. Clicking the "Map Results..." button below will open the map service in a new window (make sure your popup blocker is turned off!), the wells will plot as large orange circles, and behave as the other map service layers (can turn on/off and adjust transparency):
Current Limitations:
  • For best results, use the most current version of Internet Explorer (v. 9), Firefox, or Google Chrome. Older browser compatibility is in development.

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Water Well Records Search Results:
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Contact KGS for questions and comments.
Last modified 1/22/2020 3:13:34 PM
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