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snippet: Geographical locations of karst groundwater basins, groundwater flowpaths, and dye injection/recovery points in Kentucky. Dye tracing is a common method used for understanding groundwater movement. Dye is poured (or injected) into a sinking stream, well, sinkhole, or body of water, where it is carried down-gradient by flowing water. The locations at which dye is recovered (typically at artesian springs) indicates a connection from injection to recovery site. This connection is refered to as a groundwater flowpath. Conducting multiple dye traces across an area allows for the interpretation of regional groundwater flow by assessing where flowpaths either converge or remain distinct. Groundwater basin boundaries can then be delineated, however unlike surficial watersheds, karst groundwater basins may differ significantly due to variations in subsurface hydrogeologic configurations and conduit geometries. During periods of increased flow, flowpaths may shift or hybridize with other flowpaths, creating overlapping basins. This dataset can be used for understanding the general flow of karst groundwater but does not guarantee the absolute accuracy of groundwater flow or basin boundaries.
summary: Geographical locations of karst groundwater basins, groundwater flowpaths, and dye injection/recovery points in Kentucky. Dye tracing is a common method used for understanding groundwater movement. Dye is poured (or injected) into a sinking stream, well, sinkhole, or body of water, where it is carried down-gradient by flowing water. The locations at which dye is recovered (typically at artesian springs) indicates a connection from injection to recovery site. This connection is refered to as a groundwater flowpath. Conducting multiple dye traces across an area allows for the interpretation of regional groundwater flow by assessing where flowpaths either converge or remain distinct. Groundwater basin boundaries can then be delineated, however unlike surficial watersheds, karst groundwater basins may differ significantly due to variations in subsurface hydrogeologic configurations and conduit geometries. During periods of increased flow, flowpaths may shift or hybridize with other flowpaths, creating overlapping basins. This dataset can be used for understanding the general flow of karst groundwater but does not guarantee the absolute accuracy of groundwater flow or basin boundaries.
extent: [[-88.2986669046638,36.5952006166817],[-83.0892166621428,38.7733522915158]]
accessInformation: Kentucky Geological Survey
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Geographical locations of karst groundwater basins, groundwater flowpaths, and dye injection/recovery points in Kentucky. Dye tracing is a common method used for understanding groundwater movement. Dye is poured (or injected) into a sinking stream, well, sinkhole, or body of water, where it is carried down-gradient by flowing water. The locations at which dye is recovered (typically at artesian springs) indicates a connection from injection to recovery site. This connection is refered to as a groundwater flowpath. Conducting multiple dye traces across an area allows for the interpretation of regional groundwater flow by assessing where flowpaths either converge or remain distinct. Groundwater basin boundaries can then be delineated, however unlike surficial watersheds, karst groundwater basins may differ significantly due to variations in subsurface hydrogeologic configurations and conduit geometries. During periods of increased flow, flowpaths may shift or hybridize with other flowpaths, creating overlapping basins. This dataset can be used for understanding the general flow of karst groundwater but does not guarantee the absolute accuracy of groundwater flow or basin boundaries.
title: KYGWKarstBasins
type: Map Service
tags: ["Karst","Groundwater","Flow","Basin","Kentucky"]
culture: en-US
name: KYGWKarstBasins
guid: 6BFD391E-8F61-44B4-948D-67213531C00D
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_NSRS2007_StatePlane_Kentucky_FIPS_1600_Ft_US