| af1 - Artificial fill, engineered |
| af2 - Artificial fill, mine and quarry spoil |
| af3 - Artificial fill, other |
| Qafp - Alluvium, river floodplain |
| Qal - Alluvium, small creek floodplain |
| Qaf - Alluvial fan |
| Qat - Alluvium, fluvial terrace undifferentiated |
| Qat1 - Alluvium, fluvial terrace generation 1 |
| Qat2 - Alluvium, fluvial terrace generation 2 |
| Qat3 - Alluvium, fluvial terrace generation 3 |
| Qat4 - Alluvium, fluvial terrace generation 4 |
| Qalo - Alluvium, old |
| Qc - Colluvium, undifferentiated |
| Qca - Colluvium, accumulation zone |
| Qls - Landslide deposit |
| Qel - Eolian, loess |
| Qes - Eolian, sand |
| Qgd - Glacial drift |
| Qgt - Glacial till |
| Qo - Outwash, undifferentiated |
| Qot1 - Outwash, terrace generation 1 |
| Qot2 - Outwash, terrace generation 2 |
| Qlt - Lacustrine, terrace undifferentiated |
| Qlt1 - Lacustrine, terrace generation 1 |
| Qlt2 - Lacustrine, terrace generation 2 |
| Qha - High-level alluvium, undifferentiated |
| Qhal - High-level lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undifferentiated |
| Qr - Residuum |
| <all other values> |