| black shale |
| clay and silt |
| dolomite ; dolomite |
| dolomite and limestone |
| gravel |
| lake |
| limestone and minor dolomite |
| limestone and minor shale |
| limestone and shale ; limestone and shale |
| limestone, coarse-grained ; limestone, coarse-grained |
| limestone, fine-grained ; limestone, fine-grained |
| mixed clastics ; mixed clastics |
| mixed clastics and carbonates ; mixed clastics and carbonates ; mixed clastics and carbonates |
| mixed sediments ; mixed sediments |
| peridotite |
| quartzose sandstone ; quartzose sandstone |
| sand and gravel |
| sand, silt, and clay ; sand, silt, and clay ; sand, silt, and clay |
| shale and limestone ; shale and limestone |
| shale and minor dolomite ; shale and minor dolomite |
| shale and sandstone |
| siltstone and shale |