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[username]: User Content

Example usage

The following is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access the user content resource:

The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access the user content resource:


The user content resource returns information on the user's owned items. A user's content are items either in their root content folder (e.g. /content/users/<username>) or in a subfolder of the home folder with the given folder ID. Multilevel folders are not supported. Items in a folder are stored by reference and are not physically in a folder. Rather, they're stored as links to the original item (e.g. /content/items/<itemId>).


The endpoint is accessible only to the content's owning user or to the administrator of the user's organization.

Request parameters

[Common Parameters]

For a complete listing, see Common parameters.



The number of the first entry in the result set response. The index number is 1-based. The default value of start is 1.




The maximum number of results to be included in the result set response. The default value is 10, and the maximum allowed value is 100. Note that the actual number of returned results may be less than num. This happens when the number of results remaining after start is less than num.


//Returns a max of 50 results in the response

The response format. The default format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Response properties


The username of the content.


The total number of results found for the whole query.


The number of the first entry in the result set for this response. The index number is 1-based.


If the start or num parameters are not provided, the results are paginated and will display 1000 items per page.


The number of results included in the result set for this response.


If the start or num parameters are not provided, the results are paginated and will display 1000 items per page.


The next entry index if the current result set doesn't contain all results, or -1 if it is the last batch.


The current folder listing the user's items.


The list of the user's items. See Item for response properties for more details.

[folders] username

The username of the owner of the folder.


The folder ID.


The folder title.


The date the folder was created. Shown in UNIX time.


Item content status. Organization members, as well as public members for verified organizations, can search for items that have these badges using the contentStatus filter. Authoritative items are automatically protected to prevent accidental deletion and are boosted in search results to increase visibility and encourage use.


"contentStatus": "org_authoritative"

JSON Response syntax

The syntax example below demonstrates the user content response returned at the user content root level:

  "username": "<username>",
  "total": <total number of items owned by the user>,
  "start": <the first record index in the response>,
  "num": <the number of items in the response>,
  "nextStart": <the next entry index>,
  "currentFolder": root folder,
  "items": [
      "id": "<item id>",
      "owner": "<owner username>",
      "created": date created shown in UNIX time,
      "modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
      "guid": <unique id>,
      "name": "<item name>",
      "title": "<item title>",
      "type": "<type>",
      "typeKeywords": [
      "description": <description>,
      "tags": [
      "snippet": <summary>,
      "thumbnail": <file name>,
      "extent": [
      "spatialReference": <coordinate system>,
      "accessInformation": <credits>,
      "licenseInfo": <access and use constraints>,
      "culture": "<culture code>",
      "url": <url>,
      "access": "private | shared | org | public",
      "size": <item size>,
      "contentStatus": "<contentStatus>",
      "numComments": <number of comments>,
      "numRatings": <number of ratings>,
      "avgRating": <average rating>,
      "numViews": <number of views>
      "id": "<item id>",
      "owner": "<owner username>",
      "created": date created shown in UNIX time,
      "modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
      "guid": <unique id>,
      "name": "<item name>",
      "title": "<item title>",
      "type": "<type>",
      "typeKeywords": [
      "description": <description>,
      "tags": [
      "snippet": <summary>,
      "thumbnail": <file name>,
      "extent": [
      "spatialReference": <coordinate system>,
      "accessInformation": <credits>,
      "licenseInfo": <access and use constraints>,
      "culture": "<culture code>",
      "url": <url>,
      "access": "private | shared | org | public",
      "size": <item size>,
      "contentStatus": "<contentStatus>",
      "numComments": <number of comments>,
      "numRatings": <number of ratings>,
      "avgRating": <average rating>,
      "numViews": <number of views>
  "folders": [
      "username": "<username>",
      "id": "<folder id>",
      "title": "<folder title>",
      "created": date created shown in UNIX time

The syntax example below demonstrates the user content response returned at the user content folder level:

  "username": "<username>",
  "currentFolder": {
    "username": "<username>",
    "id": "<folder id>",
    "title": "<folder title>",
    "created": date created shown in UNIX time
  "items": [
      "id": "<item id>",
      "owner": "<owner username>",
      "created": date created shown in UNIX time,
      "modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
      "guid": <unique id>,
      "name": <item name>,
      "title": "<title>",
      "type": "<item type>",
      "typeKeywords": [
      "description": <description>,
      "tags": [
      "snippet": "<summary>",
      "thumbnail": "<file name>",
      "extent": [
      "spatialReference": <coordinate system>,
      "accessInformation": <credits>,
      "licenseInfo": <access and use constraints>,
      "culture": "<culture code>",
      "url": <url>,
      "access": "private | shared | org | public",
      "size": <item size>,
      "contentStatus": "<contentStatus>",
      "numComments": <number of comments>,
      "numRatings": <number of ratings>,
      "avgRating": <average rating>,
      "numViews": <number of views>

JSON Response examples

The sample response below demonstrates user content response returned at the user content root level:

  "username": "jsmith33",
  "total": 10,
  "start": 1,
  "num": 2,
  "nextStart": 3,
  "currentFolder": null,
  "items": [
      "id": "1851c185888a43fcb3d6fffb78ae7c94",
      "owner": "jsmith33",
      "created": 1264091913000,
      "modified": 1256666605000,
      "guid": null,
      "name": "Usa_Prime_Imagery",
      "title": "Usa_Prime_Imagery",
      "type": "Layer",
      "typeKeywords": [
        "ArcGIS Explorer",
      "description": "This detailed imagery map presents satellite imagery for the world and   
       high-resolution (1m or better) imagery for the United States."
      "tags": ["USA, Imagery, Southern California"],
      "snippet": "Imagery of Southern California",
      "thumbnail": null,
      "extent": [],
      "spatialReference": null,
      "accessInformation": "Provided by Satellite Technologies",
      "licenseInfo": "This imagery is licensed to Satellite Technologies and non-commercial use is allowed."
      "culture": "en-us",
      "url": null,
      "access": "public",
      "size": 38912,
      "contentStatus": "org_authoritative",
      "numComments": 3,
      "numRatings": 7,
      "avgRating": 4,
      "numViews": 23
      "id": "28c343b688224d0ca1b5ba741c28de6e",
      "item": "National_Parks_in_California.lpk",
      "itemType": "file",
      "owner": "jsmith33",
      "created": 1263460602000,
	     "modified": 1256666605000,
      "guid": "1D70DAC0-505A-463F-A948-B324FD18BE2A",
      "name": "National_Parks_in_California",
      "title": "National Parks in California",
      "type": "Layer Package",
      "typeKeywords": [
        "Layer Package",
	       "ArcGIS Explorer",
	     "description": "The National Parks are one of our greatest treasures.  Explore the Parks located in California.",
	     "tags": ["Parks, California"],
	     "snippet": "National Parks of California",
	     "thumbnail": "nationalparks.png",
	     "extent": [
	     "spatialReference": "GCS_North_American_1983",
	     "accessInformation": "esri",
	     "licenseInfo": "Public use",
	     "culture": "en-us",
	     "url": null,
	     "access": "shared",
	     "size": 1402923,
      "contentStatus": "org_authoritative",
	     "numComments": 8,
	     "numRatings": 4,
	     "avgRating": 5,
	     "numViews": 17
	 "folders": [
	     "username": "jsmith33",
	     "id": "1a9ad803da604628b08c968ce602a231",
	     "title": "Street Maps",
	     "created": 1266354151000

The sample response below demonstrates user content response returned at the user content folder level:

  "username": "jsmith33",
  "currentFolder": {
    "username": "jsmith33",
    "id": "1a9ad803da604628b08c968ce602a231",
    "title": "Street Maps",
    "created": 1266354151000
  "items": [
      "id": "0c92f2674fe5442bb9974dfc947bdd43",
      "owner": "jsmith33",
      "created": 1266354432000,
      "modified": 1256666605000,
      "guid": null,
      "name": null,
      "title": "City of Redlands",
      "type": "Web Map",
      "typeKeywords": [
        "Web Map",
        "Online Map",
        "ArcGIS Online"
      "description": null,
      "tags": [
      "snippet": "Street map of the city of Redlands, including major highways",
      "thumbnail": "thumbnail/ago_downloaded.png",
      "extent": [
      "spatialReference": null,
      "accessInformation": null,
      "licenseInfo": null,
      "culture": "en-us",
      "url": null,
      "access": "private",
      "size": 195,
      "contentStatus": "org_authoritative",
      "numComments": -1,
      "numRatings": -1,
      "avgRating": -1,
      "numViews": -1