- URL:https://[root]/content/users/[userName]/shareItems(POST only)
Example Usage
URL for Share Items
everyone: false
Shares a batch of items with the specified list of groups (POST only). Users can only share items with groups to which they belong. This operation also allows a user to share items with everyone, in which case the items are publicly accessible, or with everyone in their organization.
Administrators may share an item to a group on the owners behalf. There are no sharing restrictions, if the item has a public or org sharing level. The items with private sharing level may only be shared to groups to which the item owner has sharing access.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Details |
[Common Parameters] | For a complete listing, see Common parameters. |
everyone | If true, the items will be shared with everyone, e.g., they will be publicly accessible. |
org | If true, the items will be shared with everyone in the user's organization. If the user is not part of an organization, setting this to true will return an exception. |
items | A comma-separated list of items to be shared. |
groups | A comma-separated list of group IDs with which the items will be shared. |
confirmItemControl | Set to true when the items will be shared with groups that have item update capability so that any member of such groups can update the items that are shared with them. |
Response Properties
Property | Details |
results | An array of JSON objects, one for each item requested. Each object consists of the itemId, a success flag to indicate if the item was successfully shared, and a notSharedWith array with a list of groups the item could not be shared with. If an error occurred in sharing an item, an error object is also returned. |
JSON Response Syntax
"results": [
"itemId": "<item ID1>",
"success": true | false,
"notSharedWith": [
<groups not able to share the item with>
"error": {
"code": <error code>,
"message": "<error message>"
"itemId": "<item ID2>",
"success": true | false,
"notSharedWith": [
<groups not able to share the item with>
JSON Response Example
"results": [
"itemId": "3fbb6f64dd3c41da8a5f9dd4be11a9fe",
"success": false,
"notSharedWith": [
"error": {
"code": 500,
"message": "Item does not exist or is inaccessible"
"itemId": "07efda2ec8934d0cab3b68018758701a",
"success": true,
"notSharedWith": [