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Service Report


The Service Report resource provides a configurable summary of all the services in a folder.

A report lists the following parameters about each of the services in a folder:

  • Folder name (folderName)—Name of the folder in which the service is located.
  • Service name (serviceName)—Name of the service.
  • Service type (type)—Type of the service.
  • Description (description)—Description of the service as added to the service configuration.
  • State (status)—Configured and runtime status of the service.
  • Instances (instances)— Statistical information about the service.
  • Properties (properties)—Collection of properties for the server object within the service.
  • Item information (iteminfo)—JSON representation of the item information configured for the service.
  • Permissions (permissions)—JSON representation of the permissions configured for the service.

The parameters section defines the configurable properties to describe the summary:

Request parameters


The list of properties about a service to be returned in the summary report. By default all the properties are listed.

Values: description | status | instances | iteminfo | properties


A list of services for which to generate the report. By default all the services in the folder are listed.

You need to specify the list as an array of JSON objects representing the fully qualified name of a service.


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for the report resource:

JSON Response syntax

  "reports": [
      "folderName": "<folder name>",
      "serviceName": "<service name>",
      "type": "<service type>",
      "provider": "<service provider>
      "description": "<description>",
      "isDefault": <true|false>,
      "isPrivate": <true|false>,
      "hasManifest": <true|false>,
      "portalProperties": <portal properties JSON information>,
      "status": <status JSON information>,
      "instances": <instances JSON information>,
      "properties": <service properties JSON information>,
      "extensions": <extensions JSON information>,
      "iteminfo": <item info JSON information>,
      "permissions": <permissions JSON information>

JSON Response example

  "reports": [
      "folderName": "/",
      "serviceName": "SampleWorldCities",
      "type": "MapServer",
      "provider": "ArcObjects",
      "description": "The SampleWorldCities service is provided so you can quickly and easily preview the functionality of the GIS server. Click the thumbnail image to open in a web application. This sample service is optional and can be deleted.",
      "isDefault": false,
      "isPrivate": false,
      "hasManifest": false,
      "portalProperties": {
        "isHosted": false,
        "portalItems": [
            "type": "MapServer"
            "type": "WMSServer",
      "status": {
        "configuredState": "STARTED",
        "realTimeState": "STARTED"
      "instances": {
        "folderName": "/",
        "serviceName": "SampleWorldCities",
        "type": "MapServer",
        "max": 1,
        "busy": 0,
        "free": 1,
        "initializing": 0,
        "notCreated": 0,
        "transactions": 1,
        "totalBusyTime": 4343,
        "isStatisticsAvailable": true
      "properties": {
        "outputDir": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisoutput",
        "virtualOutputDir": "/rest/directories/arcgisoutput",
        "supportedImageReturnTypes": "MIME+URL",
        "minScale": "295000000",
        "isCached": "false",
        "filePath": "${AGSSERVER}/framework/etc/data/WorldCities/",
        "ignoreCache": "false",
        "cacheOnDemand": "false",
        "maxScale": "4000",
        "clientCachingAllowed": "true",
        "useLocalCacheDir": "true",
        "cacheDir": "C:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgiscache"
      "extensions": [
          "typeName": "WMServer",
          "enabled": true
          "typeName": "KmlServer",
          "enabled": true
      "iteminfo": {
        "description": "The SampleWorldCities service is provided so you can quickly and easily preview the functionality of the GIS server. Click the thumbnail image to open in a web application. This sample service is optional and can be deleted.",
        "Summary": "The SampleWorldCities service is provided so you can quickly and easily preview the functionality of the GIS server. Click the thumbnail image to open in a web application. This sample service is optional and can be deleted.",
        "tags": [
        "thumbnail": "thumbnail.png"
      "permissions": [{
        "principal": "esriEveryone",
        "permission": {"isAllowed": true},
        "childURL": null,
        "operation": null,