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Item Information


The item information resource stores metadata about a service. Typically, this information is available to clients that want to index or harvest information about the service. Item information is represented in JSON format defined by the schema described below. It can optionally contain thumbnail images associated with the service. The thumbnail images can be accessed with a URL by appending the path of the image to this item information URL.

If the thumbnail is stored under thumbnail/image.jpg, the URL to access this image will be as follows:[<folder>]/<service>/iteminfo/thumbnail/image.jpg

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Response properties

Some of the properties in the item information are visible in ArcGIS Server Manager when you view the service's properties and click the Item Description page. These properties are listed in the following table:

Property in ArcGIS Server ManagerJSON property






Access and Use Constraints




Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for the itemInfo resource:

JSON Response syntax

  "culture": "<culture>",
  "name": "<namegt>",
  "thumbnail": "<thumbnail folder>",
  "guid": "<guid>",
  "catalogpath": "<path>",
  "snippet": "<snippet>",
  "description": "<description>",
  "summary": "<summary>",
  "title": "<title>",
  "tags": "<tags>",
  "type": "<type>",
  "text": "<text>",
  "typekeywords": [
  "documentation": "<documentation>",
  "url": "<url>",
  "datalastmodifiedtime": "<time>",
  "extent": <extent>,
  "spatialreference": "<spatial reference>",
  "accessinformation": "<access information>",
  "licenseinfo": "<license information>"

JSON Response example

  "Culture": "en-US",
  "name": "usa",
  "thumbnail": "thumbnail/image.jpg",
  "guid": "FD09F5FF-4031-49D4-8BD3-B310728C8FF7",
  "catalogpath": "",
  "snippet": "",
  "description": "",
  "summary": "",
  "title": "usa.mxd",
  "tags": "",
  "type": "Service Definition",
  "Text": "",
  "typekeywords": [
    "Shapefile Feature Class",
    "Service Definition",
  "documentation": "",
  "url": "",
  "datalastmodifiedtime": "",
  "extent": {
    "xmin": -178.217598362366,
    "ymin": 18.9247817993163,
    "xmax": -66.9692710360024,
    "ymax": 71.4071353542713
  "spatialreference": "Unknown",
  "accessinformation": "",
  "licenseinfo": ""