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ArcGIS GeoPlanner provided templates

ArcGIS GeoPlanner includes templates that provide a starting point for various planning scenarios. The templates include default design layers, design types, data layers, and dashboard indicators that can be customized to fit your organization's planning needs.


You can preview a template before creating your project by clicking Preview in a template's tile.

Template preview option when creating a project

The following templates are included with GeoPlanner:

  • Basic
  • Economic Development Planning
  • Land Use Planning
  • Military Mobility
  • Public Safety
  • Special Event Planning


The Basic template is designed to help planners start projects in GeoPlanner and contains unnamed point, line, and polygon design layers. This template can be used to familiarize yourself with GeoPlanner or as a starting point for building your own templates.

Design palette

The following table lists all design layers, all design types, all scenario indicators, and a subset of the design fields included with the Basic template:

Design layerDesign typesDesign fieldsScenario indicators


  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3
  • Point 4
  • Point 5
  • Name
  • Description
  • Design Field
  • Key Performance Indicator


  • Line 1
  • Line 2
  • Line 3
  • Line 4
  • Line 5
  • Name
  • Description
  • Design Field
  • Key Performance Indicator


  • Polygon 1
  • Polygon 2
  • Polygon 3
  • Polygon 4
  • Polygon 5
  • Name
  • Description
  • Design Field
  • Key Performance Indicator
  • Area (SQ MI)
  • Area (SQ KM)

Economic Development Planning

The Economic Development Planning template is designed to help planners create projects to support economic development opportunities within a region. The template focuses on general land use, points of interest, and transportation services. The dashboard is configured to track costs, job opportunities, and areas of rising economic potential.

This template can encourage economic growth in rural cities with high poverty rates and a lack of job opportunities. A city planner can use this template to devise their economic planning goals by mapping areas for commercial development and comparing it to residential densities.

Design palette

The following table lists all design layers and a subset of design types, design fields, and scenario indicators included in the Economic Development Planning template:

Design layerDesign typesDesign fieldsScenario indicators

Point of Interest (Point)

  • Entertainment & Hospitality Services
  • Financial Services
  • Government Services
  • Schools
  • Name
  • Description
  • None

Transportation (Line)

  • Bus Route
  • Collector
  • Freeway
  • Metro Rail
  • Cost per Miles
  • Name
  • Description
  • Roadway Construction Cost

Land Use (Polygon)

  • Agriculture
  • Mixed Use
  • Heavy Industrial
  • Multi Family
  • Dwelling Unites Per Acre
  • Lot Coverage
  • Net Factor
  • Floor Area Ratio
  • Number of New Multi Family Units
  • New Dwelling Units Total (DU)
  • Area of New Office (GFA)

Land Use Planning

The Land Use Planning template is designed to help planners create projects that support the general space use decision-making process and contains a design layer for points of interest, and a design layer for transportation routes. The land use design layer contains uses such as historic lands and commercial neighborhood stores.

This template can help planners find more efficient use of land resources. A regional planner can use this template to devise planning goals that diversify land use, by incorporating a mix of commercial and residential land use while also balancing natural land use types and protections.

Design palette

The following table lists all design layers, and a subset of design types and design fields included in the Land Use Planning template:

Design layerDesign typesDesign fieldsScenario indicator

Point of Interest (Point)

  • Civic Center
  • Fire Station
  • Hospital
  • Religious Center
  • Number of Employee
  • Service Population
  • Design Field
  • None

Transportation (Line)

  • Arterial
  • Ferry
  • Highway
  • Rail - Freight Passenger
  • Number of Lanes
  • Speed Limit
  • Cost Per Mile
  • Annual Maintenance Cost
  • None

Land Use (Polygon)

  • Agricultural Crop
  • Commercial General
  • Institutional
  • Residential Medium Density
  • Floor Area Ratio
  • Dwelling Unit Per Acre
  • Assessed Value
  • Daily Water Consumption
  • None

Military Mobility

The Military Mobility template is designed to help planners create projects that support military members on operational efforts, such as moving resources and troops to a new location efficiently. The template contains design layers for operational points such as checkpoints and line features for supply routes and troop lines. The template also contains a polygon design layer for prioritized areas and landing zones.

This template can be used to help coordinate a unit's plan in the face of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, by mapping assembly areas and checkpoints for military personnel to congregate.

Design palette

The following table lists all design layers and a subset of design types and design fields included in the Military Mobility template:

Design layerDesign typesDesign fieldsScenario indicator

Operational Point (Point)

  • Air Control Point
  • Checkpoint
  • Communications Point
  • Way Point
  • Unit Name
  • Affiliation
  • Rotation
  • Position Number
  • None

Operational Line (Line)

  • Alternate Supply Route (ASR)
  • AntiTank Ditch
  • Double Fence
  • Single-strand Concertina
  • Description
  • Height
  • Number of Access Points
  • Design Field
  • None

Operational Area (Polygon)

  • Area of Operations
  • Assembly Area
  • Drop Zone
  • Limited Access Area
  • Unit Abbreviation
  • Perimeter Distance
  • Number of Personnel
  • Description
  • None

Public Safety

The Public Safety template is designed to help planners create projects that support public safety and emergency response measures. The template contains basic examples of public disturbances and threats, such as a gas leak or fire, as well as the components needed to coordinate a response. For example, in response to a flood model, planners might use the Evacuation Area design layer to categorize different threat areas.

Design palette

The following table lists all design layers and a subset of design types and design fields included in the Public Safety template:

Design layerDesign typesDesign fieldsScenario indicator

Incident Point (Point)

  • Civil Disturbance
  • Criminal Activity
  • Fire
  • Hazardous Material
  • Incident Number
  • Incident Name
  • Feature Code
  • Description
  • None

Resource Assignments (Point)

  • Area Command Team, Firefighting
  • Helicopters, Firefighting
  • Incident Management Team
  • Category
  • Resource Available
  • Description
  • None

Evacuation Route (Line)

  • Evacuation Route
  • Route ID
  • Route Name
  • Road Class
  • Contra Flow
  • None

Incident Line (Line)

  • Criminal Activity
  • Rail
  • Vehicle
  • Civil Disturbance
  • Subtype Field
  • Feature Code
  • Location Description
  • Severity
  • None

Incident Area (Polygon)

  • Civil Disturbance
  • Criminal Activity
  • Fire
  • Hazardous Material
  • Severity Description
  • Growth
  • Last Editor
  • Name
  • None

Evacuation Area (Polygon)

  • Mandatory Evacuation
  • Other Evacuation
  • Voluntary Evacuation
  • Incident Number
  • Incident Name
  • Evacuation Area ID
  • Description
  • None

Special Event Planning

The Special Event Planning template is designed to help planners create projects that support public and private events such as a local art fair, festival, or parade.

The design features of this template help allocate where resources such as guest services, handicap access, pedestrian routes, and VIP areas will be located. This information can be used to help manage the operations and production of an event, while summarizing assets for financial and planning purposes.

Design palette

The following table lists all design layers, and a subset of design types and design fields included in the Special Event Planning template:

Design layerDesign typesDesign fieldsScenario indicator

Special Event Point (Point)

  • ATM
  • Command Center
  • First Aid
  • Restroom
  • Event Number
  • Location Description
  • Responsible Agency
  • Contact Name
  • None

Special Event Line (Line)

  • Evacuation Route
  • Event Route
  • Pedestrian Route
  • Vehicular Egress Route
  • Name
  • Contact Phone
  • Contact Email
  • Last Editor
  • None

Special Event (Polygon)

  • Special Event
  • Event Name
  • Site Address
  • City
  • State
  • None

Special Event Area (Polygon)

  • Parking Area
  • Pedestrian Traffic Only
  • Public Access Area
  • Staging Area
  • Event Number
  • Location Description
  • Responsible Agency
  • Contact Name
  • None