Kentucky Groundwater-Quality Data Map Service at KGS

Displaying groundwater-quality data for Kentucky on interactive maps is a new feature on the KGS web site. Instructions on how to run the online map service are provided below. Users can specify one analyte at a time to be mapped, and choose from a list of 32 layers to display including geology, watershed boundaries, roads, orthophotography and sinkholes. The web site of this new service is

  1. Navigate to the KGS Web site (, then click on the "Search Databases and Publications" link under the "Data and Services" heading.
  2. Click on "Search for Groundwater Information" in the right-hand box.
  3. Seven (7) options are available here, including the water well and spring record search, the water well and spring location map service, the groundwater-quality data search, the graphical groundwater-quality comparison service, the groundwater-quality data map service, the karst potential index map service, and the KGS water research home page. For groundwater-quality data, click on "Groundwater-Quality Data Map Service."

  1. Click the "Analyte Selection" tab in the upper right corner, if you have not already done so (should be automatically displayed when the map service is first entered).
  2. Specify the data types to display. Two required choices are shown at the top of the right-hand side bar, in drop-down boxes. The first drop-down box requires the user to select either all available data to be mapped, or only the most recent and complete data ("high-quality data set"). The second choice is regarding sites with multiple samples, and allows the user to specify all data to be displayed for every site, or the median, maximum, or most recent values only.
  3. Select the analyte to be mapped. This map service can only map one analyte at a time. There are five major categories of analytes to choose from (water properties, volatile organic compounds, nutrients, pesticides, and inorganic solutes), and 38 individual analytes within those categories. The default value is "No analyte chosen", therefore no points appear on the map. Check the desired analyte, and note that the Analyte Legend below will change to the appropriate analyte.
  4. View the map data
  5. Using the Map Tools on the left-hand toolbar. A description of the map tools on the left-hand side-bar can be viewed by holding the cursor over each icon for a second or two. Included are zooming and panning tools, point identification tools, and map printing functions.
  6. Displaying map layers and legends. By clicking on "Map Layers" at the top of the right-hand side-bar, users can select from over 30 layers to add to the interactive map. If the layer name is dimmed, that indicates that the layer cannot be viewed at the current scale, and the user must zoom in for the layer to become active. To display a legend for any map, click on "Map Legend".
For more information, contact:
Sarah Arpin, Water Resources Section
310 Columbia Ave, University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0107
Phone 859.323.0524 (Arpin)
Web site: