Daviess County, Kentucky



Agriculture is a major part of the Daviess County economy. According to the 2002-2003 Kentucky Agricultural Statistics Service, 142,625 acres (54 percent) of the 296,000 total acres available were planted in corn, soybeans and tobacco. Photograph by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey.



An estimated 600 to 700 acres of fresh market produce is grown annually in Daviess County. The West Kentucky Grower Co-Op works with local farmers to distribute the produce. Photograph by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey.


Farmers use groundwater to irrigate their crops planted in bottomlands along the Ohio and Green Rivers. Photograph by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey.


Groundwater Availability


The alluvium along the Ohio River is the best  source of ground water in the county. In northern Daviess County, nearly all drilled wells with depths less than 150 feet in the alluvium of the Ohio River valley are adequate for domestic use; most wells yield more than 50 gallons per minute, and some wells yield as much as 750 gallons per minute. In most of central and southern Daviess County, most wells with depths less than 300 feet that penetrate sandstone are adequate for a domestic supply. In several small, localized areas in southern Daviess County, wells yield little or no water.


Generally, groundwater is hard to very hard, and iron and salt may be present in objectionable amounts. In deep wells, ground water is often too mineralized to use. For more information on groundwater resources in the county, see Carey and Stickney (2001).


Geologic Hazards


The most prominent geologic hazard for Daviess County is flooding. Areas underlain

by alluvium are subject to regular flooding. Urban development often exacerbates flooding, and therefore potential flooding should always be considered in urban development plans. Areas of steep walled drainage, such as that formed in terrain underlain by chert gravel, are conducive to flash flooding, especially in developed areas. Flood information is available from the Kentucky Division of Water, Flood Plain Management Branch, www.water.ky.gov/floods/.


Parts of Daviess County are prone to flooding as seen in this picture of a flooded road.

Photograph by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey.


Earthquake Hazards


None of the faults which occur within Daviess County are considered to be active; the

proximity of active seismic zones, such as the New Madrid, Wabash, or East Tennessee,

however, calls for precautions to be taken for earthquake damage mitigation. The

presence of thick alluvium, which normally has a high water table, should also be treated

with special concern, because of the possibility of augmented shaking and liquefaction

during a strong earthquake. In addition, alluvium often contains high amounts of clay

minerals, which can give a soil a high shrink/swell capacity.


Peak ground acceleration at the top of rock that will

probably occur in the next 500 years in Kentucky


Although we do not know when and where the next major earthquake will occur, we do know that an earthquake will cause damage. Damage severity depends on many factors, such as earthquake magnitude, the distance from the epicenter, and local geology. Information on earthquake effects is obtained by monitoring earthquakes and performing research. Such information is vital for earthquake hazard mitigation and risk reduction.


The most important information for seismic-hazard mitigation and risk reduction is ground-motion hazard. One way of predicting ground-motion hazard is by determining the peak ground acceleration (PGA) that may occur in a particular timeframe. The map above shows the PGA at the top of bedrock that will likely occur within the next 500 years in Kentucky (Street and others, 1996). It shows, as expected, that PGA would be greatest in far western Kentucky near the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Ground-motion hazard maps for the central United States and other areas are available from the U.S. Geological Survey. These maps are used to set general policies on mitigating damage. For example, maps produced

by the USGS in 1996 were used to determine seismic design in building codes. For additional information pertaining to earthquake hazards visit the Kentucky Geological Survey website at www.uky.edu/KGS/geologichazards/geologichazards.html



Other Hazards


Steep slopes are present throughout the county, especially along streams in areas underlain by chert gravel. Steep slopes can develop soil creep and landslides if not properly treated during development. Proper engineering techniques should be followed when developing on hillsides, and care should be taken not to affect property above and below a development site on a hillside.


There are several underground coal mines located in Daviess County. The locations of known mine workings and shafts are shown on the map. Precautions need to be taken when developing over old mined areas because of the possibility of mine subsidence. Mine subsidence insurance is available in Kentucky.


Surface coal mine areas are prone to settle after reclamation, which may affect structural foundations and roads. Surface mine areas also lack soil structure, which inhibits the growth of vegetation during summer months. Abandoned deep and surface mine boundaries shown on the map are approximate and do not represent all the mining that has occurred in the county.


Soil piping, which may occur in various soil types, but particularly in alluvium and loess, produces small to large holes if left untreated. The only way to treat soil piping is to fill the holes with rock or soil to keep the holes from enlarging and to divert drainage from the area.



The Owensboro Riverport, located on the Ohio River, began operations in June 1976. Currently the Riverport is located on 425 acres and handles nearly 1.5 million tons of product and cargo per year. Picture courtesy of the Owensboro Riverport.




Oil well "pump jacks" are located throughout Daviess County. Approximately 1,800 producing oil and gas wells have been completed in Daviess County. Photograph by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey.



According to the U.S. Census Bureau the population of Daviess County only grew 5 percent between 1990 and 2000.  However, residential and commercial construction is a growing land use through out the county.  Photograph by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey.