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Configure collection settings

Learn how to customize a collection using the collection settings.


You can remove the menu that allows readers to share a collection on social media by enabling Hide sharing options. You can remove the Collection heading and Get started button from the overview page by enabling Hide overview page elements.

The Hide sharing options setting only applies to collections that are shared publicly.

Collection language

Setting a language in Collection settings ensures the collection broadcasts the correct language to web browsers. This is recommended and ensures that browser translation tools and screen readers work as expected. Some languages may also require a number and date format to be set.

Unless customized, the collection language is set to your ArcGIS profile language.


The collection language setting applies only to the collection. It has no effect on stories, apps, or other content in the collection.


Your ArcGIS profile always determines the language used in the collection builder. When creating a collection in a different language, it's recommended that you change your ArcGIS profile to the language in which you are working.