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/trial: Start Trial

  • URL:https://[root]/content/listings/[itemID]/trial (POST only)

Example usage

URL for Start Trial:


A purchaser can start a trial for a marketplace listing by invoking this operation (POST ONLY).

This operation is only supported for listings that support trials (whose trialSupported property is true). Once started, the trial will be valid for the duration of the trial specified on the listing (the trialDuration property).

This operation cannot be invoked if the item has already been purchased or if the purchaser has started a trial previously.

Only admins or members with request purchase information privilege of purchasing orgs can invoke this operation.

Request parameters

[Common Parameters]

For a complete listing, see Common parameters.

[Purchaser Parameters]

Description: For a complete list of purchaser parameters, see Purchaser parameters. Note that all purchaser parameters are optional.

JSON response syntax


JSON response example

  "itemId": "b512083cd1b64e2da1d3f66dbb135956",
  "orgId": "org1",
  "purchaserOrgId": "org2",
  "purchaserUsername": "org2user",
  "purchaserFullName": "Test Full Name",
  "purchaserEmail": "",
  "purchaserPhone": null,
  "startDate": 1378227269000,
  "endDate": -1,
  "purchased": false,
  "trial": true,
  "interested": false,
  "created": 1378227262000,
  "modified": 1378227269000