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/settings: Organization Settings

Example usage

The following is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access the settings resource:

The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access the settings resource:


The settings resource is used to return a view of the portal's configuration as seen by the current users, either anonymous or logged in. Information returned by this resource includes helper services, allowed redirect URIs, and the current configuration for any access notices or information banners.

Starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0, this resource will display the customized advanced portal options set using the portalConfigProperties parameter with the Update operation. Previously, administrators who needed to customize their portal's behavior would make updates to the editable version of the portal's configuration file (config.js). For a list of all the properties supported by portalConfigProperties, see Advanced portal configuration properties. These properties are not supported for ArcGIS Online.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

JSON Response example

The following sample JSON response demonstrates information returned by the settings resource for ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise (for versions before 11.0) organizations.

  "allowedRedirectUris": [],  "helperServices": {
    "geoanalytics": {"url": ""},
    "printTask": {
      "url": "",
      "templates": [
          "label": "MAP_ONLY",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "MAP_ONLY"
          "label": "A3 Landscape",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "A3 Landscape",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
          "label": "A3 Portrait",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "A3 Portrait",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
          "label": "A4 Landscape",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "A4 Landscape",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
          "label": "A4 Portrait",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "A4 Portrait",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
          "label": "Letter ANSI A Landscape",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "Letter ANSI A Landscape",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
          "label": "Letter ANSI A Portrait",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "Letter ANSI A Portrait",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
          "label": "Tabloid ANSI B Landscape",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "Tabloid ANSI B Landscape",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
          "label": "Tabloid ANSI B Portrait",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "layout": "Tabloid ANSI B Portrait",
          "layoutOptions": {"legend": false}
    "analysis": {"url": ""},
    "asyncGeocode": {"url": ""},
    "rasterUtilities": {"url": ""},
    "packaging": {"url": ""},
    "geocode": [
        "url": "",
        "northLat": "Ymax",
        "southLat": "Ymin",
        "eastLon": "Xmax",
        "westLon": "Xmin",
        "name": "ArcGIS World Geocoding Service",
        "batch": false,
        "placefinding": true,
        "suggest": true
        "url": "",
        "name": "Esri World Batch Geocoder",
        "isEsriBatchGeocoder": true,
        "placeholder": "Find address or place",
        "singleLineFieldName": "SingleLine",
        "batch": true,
        "placefinding": true,
        "suggest": true,
        "zoomScale": 10000
    "route": {"url": ""},
    "closestFacility": {"url": ""},
    "asyncClosestFacility": {"url": ""},
    "serviceArea": {"url": ""},
    "asyncServiceArea": {"url": ""},
    "syncVRP": {"url": ""},
    "asyncVRP": {"url": ""},
    "geoenrichment": {"url": ""},
    "traffic": {"url": ""},
    "asyncRoute": {"url": ""},
    "asyncODCostMatrix": {"url": ""},
    "asyncLocationAllocation": {"url": ""},
    "routingUtilities": {"url": ""},
    "elevation": {"url": ""},
    "elevationSync": {"url": ""},
    "hydrology": {"url": ""},
    "orthomappingElevation": {"url": ""},
    "geometry": {"url": ""},
    "defaultElevationLayers": [
        "url": "",
        "id": "globalElevation",
        "layerType": "ArcGISTiledElevationServiceLayer",
        "name": "Terrain3D"
  "anonymousAccessNotice": {
    "title": "Anonymous Access Notice Title",
    "text": "Anonymous Access Notice Text",
    "bgColorTitle": "red",
    "fontColorTitle": "white"
  "authenticatedAccessNotice": {
    "title": "Anonymous Access Notice Title",
    "text": "Anonymous Access Notice Text",
    "bgColorTitle": "red",
    "fontColorTitle": "white"
  "culture": "en",
  "featuredGroups": [
      "owner": "admin",
      "title": "Featured Maps and Apps"
  "helperServices": {
    "printTask": {
      "templates": [
          "layout": "MAP_ONLY",
          "format": "PNG32",
          "label": "Map Only"
      "url": ""
    "analysis": {"url": ""},
    "asyncGeocode": {"url": ""},
    "rasterUtilities": {"url": ""},
    "packaging": {"url": ""}
  "informationalBanner": {
    "title": "Informational Banner",
    "text": "Header Text",
    "bgColor": "red",
    "fontColor": "blue"
  "livingAtlasGroupQuery": "title:\"Living Atlas\" AND owner:esri_livingatlas"

For ArcGIS Enterprise organizations at or after version 11.0, the portalConfigProperties property will also be returned in the JSON response:

  "analysisLayersGroupQuery": "title:\"Living Atlas Analysis Layers\" AND owner:esri_livingatlas",
  "culture": "en",
  "featuredGroups": [
      "owner": "portaladmin",
      "title": "Featured Maps and Apps"
  "helperServices": {
    "printTask": {"url": ""},
    "analysis": {"url": ""},
    "asyncGeocode": {"url": ""},
    "rasterUtilities": {"url": ""},
    "packaging": {"url": ""},
    "symbols": {"url": ""},
    "geoanalytics": {"url": ""},
    "rasterAnalytics": {"url": ""},
    "orthoMapping": {"url": ""},
    "geocode": [
        "url": "",
        "name": "ArcGIS World Geocoding Service",
        "isEsriBatchGeocoder": true,
        "placeholder": "Find address or place",
        "singleLineFieldName": "SingleLine",
        "batch": true,
        "placefinding": true,
        "suggest": true,
        "zoomScale": 10000
    "route": {"url": ""},
    "closestFacility": {"url": ""},
    "asyncClosestFacility": {"url": ""},
    "serviceArea": {"url": ""},
    "asyncServiceArea": {"url": ""},
    "syncVRP": {"url": ""},
    "asyncVRP": {"url": ""},
    "geoenrichment": {"url": ""},
    "traffic": {"url": ""},
    "trafficData": {"url": ""},
    "asyncRoute": {"url": ""},
    "asyncODCostMatrix": {"url": ""},
    "odCostMatrix": {"url": ""},
    "asyncLocationAllocation": {"url": ""},
    "routingUtilities": {"url": ""},
    "elevation": {"url": ""},
    "elevationSync": {"url": ""},
    "hydrology": {"url": ""},
    "orthomappingElevation": {"url": ""}
  "livingAtlasGroupQuery": "title:\"Living Atlas\" AND owner:esri_livingatlas",
  "portalConfigProperties": {
    "extentService": "",
    "footerLinks": [],
    "gcsBasemapService": "",
    "httpsDomains": [
    "longTokenExpiration": 20160,
    "restrictOrganizationPageToAdmin": false,
    "searchArcGISOnlineEnabled": true,
    "showCreateDashboard": true,
    "showInAppLauncher": [
      "ArcGIS Dashboards",
      "ArcGIS Enterprise Sites",
      "Track Viewer",
      "Ortho Maker",
      "ArcGIS Workforce",
      "ArcGIS QuickCapture Web Designer",
      "ArcGIS StoryMaps",
      "ArcGIS Experience Builder",
      "ArcGIS Field Maps",
      "ArcGIS Map Viewer",
      "ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic",
      "ArcGIS Solutions",
      "Deep Learning Studio",
      "Instant Apps",
      "Scene Viewer",
      "Vector Tile Style Editor"
    "sceneViewerEnabled": true,
    "surveyUrl": "",
    "tokenExpiration": 120,
    "webAppBuilderEnabled": true,
    "configurePortalAGOEnv": "",
    "portalAGOConfigEnabled": true,
    "portalLivingAtlasConfigEnabled": true,
    "iotViewerUrl": "" //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1