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comments: Item Comments

  • URL:https://[root]/content/items/[itemID]/comments

Example Usage

URL for Item Comments


Lists all comments for an item.

Request Parameters

[Common Parameters]

For a complete listing, see Common parameters.

[Paging Parameters]

For a complete list of paging parameters, see Paging parameters.

Response Properties

[Paging Properties]

The following paging properties are included in the response and they are described in Paging properties.

total, start, num, nextStart


A JSON array of comment objects. See the response properties for Comment for details.

JSON Response Syntax

  "total": <total number of comments for the item>,
  "start": <the first record index in the response>,
  "num": <the number of comments in the response>,
  "nextStart": <the next entry index>,
  "comments": [{
  "id": "<comment id>",
  "owner": "<comment owner username>",
  "created": date created shown in UNIX time,
  "comment": "<comment text>"

JSON Response Example

  "total": 13,
  "start": 11,
  "num": 3,
  "nextStart": -1,
  "comments": [{
  "id": "0d59cee0f5394417a9a218a5038905eb",
  "owner": "jsmith",
  "created": 1258290013000,
  "comment": "This map is very accurate.  I was able to find the right bike route to my destination."