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/exportInvitationResponse: Export Invitation Response

  • URL:https://[root]/portals/[portalID]/collaborations/[collaborationID]/exportInvitationResponse(POST only)
  • Required Capability:Administrator (guest)
  • Version Introduced:10.5

Example usage

Below is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access the exportInvitationResponse operation:

Below is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access the exportInvitationResponse operation:


The exportInvitationResponse operation exports a collaboration invitation response file from a collaboration guest portal. The exported response file must be sent via email or through other communication channels that are established in your organization to the inviting portal's administrator. The inviting portal's administrator will then import your response file to complete the establishment of trust between your portals. It is important that the contents of this response file are not intercepted and tampered with by any unknown entity.

The response for this operation a file download that contains the response to the collaboration invitation.

Request parameters


The response formatting parameter. The default value is html.

Values: html | json | pjson