- URL:
https://<locations-url>/query - Version Introduced:10.9
The query operation queries the locatability of the provided set of objects and optionally synthesizes geometry to be returned for each object in a geometry bag as a collection of points and polylines.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
f | Description: Optional parameter specifying the output format of the response. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
gdbVersion | Description: Optional parameter specifying the name of the geodatabase version. The default is DEFAULT. Syntax: gdbVersion=<version> |
sessionId | Description: Optional parameter specifying the token (guid) used to lock the version. If a client has previously started an edit session and holds an exclusive lock on the version specified, the request will fail if the sessionId is not provided. If the specified version is currently locked by any other session, the request will fail if the sessionId is not provided or does not match the sessionId that holds the exclusive lock. Syntax: sessionId=<guid> |
moment | Description: Optional parameter specifying the session moment. The default is the current version moment. This should only be specified by the client when you do not want to use the current moment. Syntax: moment=<Epoch time in milliseconds> |
maxGeometryCount | Description: The maximum number of geometries that can be synthesized and returned in the result. |
objects | Description: The set of objects for which to get locatability and synthesize the geometries. Syntax :
attachmentAssociations | Description: Optional Boolean parameter specifying whether to synthesize the geometry representing the structural attachment associations. The default is false. Values: <true | false> |
connectivityAssociations | Description: Optional Boolean parameter specifying whether to synthesize the geometry representing the connectivity associations. The default is false. Values: <true | false> |
containmentAssociations | Description: Optional Boolean parameter specifying whether to synthesize the geometry representing the containment associations. The default is false. Values: <true | false> |
locations | Description: Optional Boolean parameter specifying whether to synthesize the geometry representing the derived location of the object. This option only affects results when objects are features or nonspatial objects. The default is false. Values: <true | false> |
outSR | Description: Optional parameter specifying the output spatial reference. Syntax: outSR=<wkid> |
async | Description: If true, the request is processed as an asynchronous job, and a URL is returned that a client can visit to check the status of the job. The default is false. Values: true | false This parameter was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1. |
JSON Response syntax
JSON response (when async = false):
“exceededTransferLimit" : <boolean>,
“objects” :
“sourceID” : <long>,
“globalId” : <guid>,
“isLocatable” : <boolean>,
“geometry” : <geometry> // optional
“associations” : [
“globalId” : <guid>,
“associationType” : “attachment” | “connectivity” | “containment” | "junctionEdgeFromConnectivity" | "junctionEdgeMidspanConnectivity" | "junctionEdgeToConnectivity",
“fromNetworkSourceId” : <long>,
“fromGlobalId” : <guid>,
“fromTerminalId” : <long>,
“toNetworkSourceId” : <long>,
“toGlobalId” : <guid>,
“toTerminalId” : <long>,
“geometry” : <geometry>
“success” : <boolean>,
“error” : { // only if success is false
“extendedCode” : <HRESULT>,
“message” : <string>,
“details” : [ <string> ]
JSON response (when async = true):
"statusUrl" : <url>
JSON response to the status URL (when pending or in progress):
"status" : "<Pending | InProgress>",
"submissionTime" : <datetime>,
"lastUpdatedTime" : <datetime>
Example usage
Synthesize the geometries of a feature or nonspatial object using the query operation.
JSON response:
"exceededTransferLimit": false,
"objects": [
"sourceId": 16,
"globalId": "{A1094F84-42E3-4179-9236-51E1351054F8}",
"isLocatable": true,
"geometry": {
"geometries": [
"x": 477998.4096999997,
"y": 3629397.339299999,
"z": 0,
"m": null
"associations": [],
"success": true
Synthesize the geometries of associations using the query operation.
"exceededTransferLimit": false,
"objects": [],
"associations": [
"globalId": "{D103F8F1-B186-4442-82F7-29C58C281DA9}",
"fromNetworkSourceId": 4,
"fromGlobalId": "{7B2BE9B5-2A45-46A5-B84E-6D215B268D01}",
"fromTerminalId": 0,
"toNetworkSourceId": 16,
"toGlobalId": "{1C84C796-F17B-4C8E-8EE2-B8809E0BA600}",
"toTerminalId": 0,
"associationType": "containment",
"geometry": {
"geometries": [
"x": 477693.67980000007,
"y": 3630324.6500000006,
"z": 0,
"m": null
"x": 477656.47869999989,
"y": 3630391.6119,
"z": 0,
"m": null
"globalId": "{04D36A29-5B27-4357-A40F-176938EA7596}",
"fromNetworkSourceId": 16,
"fromGlobalId": "{63FA7869-1656-4732-9608-0D2BDA861A18}",
"fromTerminalId": 1,
"toNetworkSourceId": 19,
"toGlobalId": "{699A8BE7-F151-4599-8627-7B51E6B41EBD}",
"toTerminalId": 1,
"associationType": "connectivity",
"geometry": {
"geometries": [
"x": 476946.67459999959,
"y": 3629962.1516999995,
"z": 0,
"m": null
"x": 476955.1387,
"y": 3629930.6654000005,
"z": 0,
"m": null
"success": true