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Usage Report


This resource returns the parameters of a usage report.

A Usage Report is used to obtain ArcGIS Server usage data for specified resources during a given time period. It specifies the parameters for obtaining server usage data, time range (since from and to parameters), aggregation interval, and queries (which specify the metrics to be gathered for a collection of server resources, such as folders and services).

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for an individual usage report resource:

JSON Response syntax

  "reportname": [unique name or id of the report],
  "from" : [timestamp],  //Optional, specified when "since" is CUSTOM
  "to": [timestamp],  //Optional, specified when “since” is CUSTOM
  "aggregationInterval": [minutes],  //Optional, aggregation interval in minutes
  "queries": [
      "resourceURIs": ["services/Map_bv_999.MapServer"], //Comma separated list of services and/or folders
      "metrics": ["RequestCount"] // Comma separated list of metrics
  "metadata": "This could be any String or JSON Object."

JSON Response example

A usage report is represented in JSON format below.

  "reportname": 1394219221008,
  "since": "LAST_MONTH",
  "queries": [
      "resourceURIs": ["services/Map_bv_999.MapServer"],
      "metrics": ["RequestCount"]
  "metadata": "This could be any String or JSON Object. The next usage report below shows how this parameter is used be ArcGIS manager for storing report metadata."