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Operation Response


Most operations in the ArcGIS Server Administrator API return a typical response structure indicating if the operation failed or succeeded. If the API Reference does not explicitly list the response format, then it is designed to return the standard response structure described here.

A successful operation is reported with the statusparameter indicating a success. Sometimes, the return value of the object can be embedded inside this operation response. For example, when you upload an item, the upload API returns the ID of the uploaded item in the operation response. A failed operation in addition to the status parameter indicating failed, often returns messages and code parameters that give more information about the reason for the failure.

Request parameters


Indicates if the operation is successful or failed.

Values: success | failed


An array of messages indicating the reason for failure.


Indicates if the operation is successful or failed.

Values: success | failed

JSON Response example

A successful operation response:

	 "status": "success"

A failed operation response:

  	"status": "error",
  	"messages": ["Unauthorized access.Token not found. You can generate a token using the 'generateToken' operation."],
  	"code": 499