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The data resource provides information about the data holdings of the server. Data items are used by ArcGIS Pro and other clients to validate data paths referenced by GIS services.

A relational data store type represents a database platform that has been registered for use on a portal’s hosting server by the ArcGIS Server administrator. Each relational data store type describes the properties ArcGIS Server requires in order to connect to an instance of a database for a particular platform. At least one registered relational data store type is required before client applications such as ArcGIS Insights can create Relational Database Connection portal items.

You can register new data items with the server by using the Register Data Item operation, search through the hierarchy of data items using the Find Data Items operation, and view all references to a specific data item using the Compute Ref Count operation. The computeTotalRefCount operation helps you determine if a particular data item can be safely deleted or refreshed.

Request parameters


The response format. The only supported response format is html.

Example usage

The following is a sample request URL used to access the data resource: