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List Snapshots

  • URL:https://<notebookserveradmin>/notebooks/snapshots/list(POST only)
  • Required Capability:Administrator or Create and Edit ArcGIS Notebooks
  • Version Introduced:10.9


The list snapshots operation allows you to list all snapshots associated with a notebook item. It returns metadata associated with snapshots, such as name, description, notebook runtime information, and so on.

By default, unless the snapshot was created with the privateAccessflag set to false, only the owner of a notebook item is allowed to list the snapshots associated with that notebook item.

Request parameters



The item ID of the notebook from which to list snapshots.



The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

JSON Response syntax

"snapshots": [
"resourceKey": "<resource-key1>",
"created": "<created time in epoch milliseconds",
"properties": {
"name": "<snapshot 1 name>",
"description": "<snapshot 1 description>",
"runtime": {
"notebookRuntimeName": "<Notebook runtime name>",
"notebookRuntimeVersion": "<Notebook runtime version>"
"resourceKey": "<resource-key2>",
"created": "<created time in epoch milliseconds",
"properties": {
"name": "<snapshot 2 name>",
"description": "<snapshot 2 description>",
"runtime": {
"notebookRuntimeName": "<Notebook runtime name>",
"notebookRuntimeVersion": "<Notebook runtime version>"
"resourceKey": "<resource-key3>",
"created": "<created time in epoch milliseconds",
"properties": {
"name": "<snapshot 3 name>",
"description": "<snapshot 3 description>",
"runtime": {
"notebookRuntimeName": "<Notebook runtime name>",
"notebookRuntimeVersion": "<Notebook runtime version>"
"total": 3,
"status": "success"

JSON Response example

"snapshots": [
"resourceKey": "snapshot-274ad302559440bcab2444bd34ce3b00.json",
"created": "1601952138315",
"properties": {
"name": "Snapshot 1",
"description": "This is snapshot 1",
"runtime": {
"notebookRuntimeName": "ArcGIS Notebook Python 3 Advanced",
"notebookRuntimeVersion": "5.0"
"resourceKey": "snapshot-efe1a311bdba41eab86a6f760a5cf6a1.json",
"created": "1601952138713",
"properties": {
"name": "Snapshot 2",
"description": "This is snapshot 2",
"runtime": {
"notebookRuntimeName": "ArcGIS Notebook Python 3 Advanced",
"notebookRuntimeVersion": "5.0"
"resourceKey": "snapshot-cc949259e5144e3bade2423bc70adb00.json",
"created": "1601952138961",
"properties": {
"name": "Snapshot 3",
"description": "This is snapshot 3",
"runtime": {
"notebookRuntimeName": "ArcGIS Notebook Python 3 Advanced",
"notebookRuntimeVersion": "5.0"
"total": 3,
"status": "success"