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A resource describing all of the specified fields and associated data for a specific report.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for the connectionInfo resource:<mission_id>/MissionServer/reports/<report_id>?f=pjson

JSON Response syntax

    "reportType": "<title>",
    "itemId": "<portal_item_id>",
    "settings": {
        "completeContent": {
            "instructions": "Thank you.",
            "completeMessage": "Your report was successfully submitted.",
            "asset": null
        "errorContent": {
            "instructions": "Please try again.",
            "errorMessage": "There was a problem submitting your report.",
            "asset": null
    "reportServiceId": "<feature_service_id>",
    "submit": {"buttonText": "Submit Report"},
    "footer": {
        "isVisible": true,
        "content": "Powered by ArcGIS Mission"
    "authoringApp": "<authoring_app>",
    "questions": [
            "isRequired": <bool>,
            "fieldName": "<field_name>",
            "defaultValue": "<default>",
            "name": "<name>",
            "description": "<description>",
            "id": "<id>",
            "position": <int>,
            "label": "<label>",
            "type": "<esri_question_type>"
    "header": {
        "isVisible": true,
        "content": "<title>"
    "reportUrl": "<feature_service_url>",
    "version": "1.0",
    "subHeader": {
        "isVisible": true,
        "content": "<description>"

JSON Response example

    "reportType": "Damage Report",
    "itemId": "b364b0f6bd584df797f0c9cfdb333b29",
    "settings": {
        "completeContent": {
            "instructions": "Thank you.",
            "completeMessage": "Your report was successfully submitted.",
            "asset": null
        "errorContent": {
            "instructions": "Please try again.",
            "errorMessage": "There was a problem submitting your report.",
            "asset": null
    "reportServiceId": "3fb096050a6245149b2f8db436866675",
    "submit": {"buttonText": "Submit Report"},
    "footer": {
        "isVisible": true,
        "content": "Powered by ArcGIS Mission"
    "authoringApp": "arcgisMissionManager",
    "questions": [
            "isRequired": true,
            "fieldName": "damage_description",
            "defaultValue": "",
            "name": "multi_line_text",
            "description": "Multiline Text Field used to describe the damage",
            "id": "field_2",
            "position": 1,
            "label": "Describe the damage",
            "type": "esriQuestionTypeTextArea"
            "isRequired": false,
            "fieldName": "damage_level",
            "defaultValue": "single_choice_1",
            "name": "single_choice",
            "description": "Select a level of damage.",
            "id": "field_3",
            "position": 2,
            "label": "Label for selecting a level of damage",
            "type": "esriQuestionTypeSingleChoice",
            "choices": {"items": [
                    "label": "This is option 1",
                    "position": 0,
                    "value": "single_choice_1"
                    "label": "This is option 2",
                    "position": 1,
                    "value": "single_choice_2"
            "isRequired": false,
            "fieldName": "date_time_occured",
            "name": "date_time",
            "description": "Select a Date and Time when the damage approx. occured",
            "id": "field_4",
            "position": 3,
            "label": "Date and Time damage occured",
            "type": "esriQuestionTypeDateTime"
            "isRequired": false,
            "fieldName": "team_reported",
            "defaultValue": "",
            "name": "dropdown",
            "description": "Select a team that reported the damage",
            "id": "field_5",
            "position": 4,
            "label": "Reported by team:",
            "type": "esriQuestionTypeDropdown",
            "choices": {"items": [
                    "label": "Team Alpha",
                    "position": 0,
                    "value": "dropdown_choice_1"
                    "label": "Team Bravo",
                    "position": 1,
                    "value": "dropdown_choice_2"
            "isRequired": false,
            "fieldName": "damage_image",
            "name": "Image",
            "description": "Upload an Image",
            "id": "field_6",
            "position": 5,
            "label": "img label",
            "type": "esriQuestionTypeImage"
    "header": {
        "isVisible": true,
        "content": "Damage Report"
    "reportUrl": "",
    "version": "1.0",
    "subHeader": {
        "isVisible": true,
        "content": "Use this report to document damage in the area"