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Customize a palette

Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Spaces extension.

You can create a custom palette feature layer for adding furniture, window, entryway and floor transition features in your floor plan using Indoor Floor Plan Editor. You can also maintain your own feature templates for objects in a custom palette. The default palette supports the 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere projection, whereas custom palettes can support custom spatial projections.


The projection of the custom palette must match the projection of the web map.

A custom palette is created as a feature layer with a defined schema, shared as a feature service. The required schema for a palette feature layer contains the following fields:

Field nameTypeNullableDescription




The name of the palette feature.




A value that establishes the type of feature within the palette, and how the feature is placed into the Details layer when added from the palette. Valid values are Furniture, Entryway, and Window.




Additional description for the feature type value. This field helps differentiate palette features that have the same Feature_type value.


This value also defines what value to populate for USE_TYPE in the details feature layer.




The x-coordinate value for the main anchor point configured for a newly added palette feature.




The y-coordinate value for the main anchor point configured for a newly added palette feature.




The x-coordinate value for the secondary anchor point configured for a newly added palette feature.




The y-coordinate value for the secondary anchor point configured for a newly added palette feature.

Create and share a custom palette feature layer in ArcGIS Pro

Complete the following steps to create a custom palette feature layer in ArcGIS Pro and share it to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal for use in the Floor Plan Editor app:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. If necessary, sign in to your Enterprise portal.
  3. Open a project containing your Floor Plan Editor map.
  4. Create a new polyline feature class in a geodatabase.

    Include the required palette schema fields from the table above as new fields in the polyline feature class.

  5. Create a new points feature class for primary anchor points.
  6. Create a new points feature class for secondary anchor points.
  7. Create palette features in the polyline feature class to represent objects you will insert in the floor plan.

    As a starting point, you can import existing features from the default palette layer.


    Place the palette features within positive coordinates, near the origin of the spatial reference for your map. This helps avoid distortion when placing features from the palette layer in your floor plan.

    If true curves are present in your palette features, the true curve geometry is generalized when a palette object is used to insert a feature in the Details layer using the Floor Plan Editor app.

  8. Place anchor points on palette features, using the Primary and Secondary anchor point feature classes.

    Create anchor points in the Primary and Secondary anchor point feature classes, but place them on palette features in the polyline feature class. Select the placement of an anchor point based on desired symmetry of the palette feature, and how the palette feature should snap to existing features when being placed usingFloor Plan Editor.

  9. Calculate geometry on the Primary and Secondary anchor point layers after placing all anchor points.
  10. For each palette feature and associated pair of primary and secondary anchor points, copy the calculated x- and y-coordinate values for the anchor point features into the anchor point fields of the polyline palette feature Primary_anchor_point_x, Primary_anchor_point_y, Secondary_anchor_point_x, and Secondary_anchor_point_y
  11. Save edits to the palette layer.
  12. Share the palette layer as a feature service.

Your customized feature palette layer is shared as a feature service to your Enterprise portal. You can select the custom palette in the Palette section of the App Settings pane for Floor Plan Editor and use it to insert new features in the Details layer.

The sharing settings of the palette layer must match the sharing settings of the app so that users can access the palette features. You can update the palette feature service after it is published by editing the feature service in ArcGIS Pro.

Tips for customizing a palette

When customizing a palette, consider the following best practices:

  • Create palette features in a geographic location near your indoor data. This helps avoid distortion of palette features caused by the projection.
  • Place all palette features close together in the palette layer to further reduce distortion.
  • Use bright colors for anchor point feature symbology to assist with feature placement when using the palette.

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