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Configuration settings

Configuration settings allow portal administrators to configure application-level organizational settings within ArcGIS Excalibur. This includes general application settings, specific ArcGIS Video Server settings, and settings for configuring livestream video layers.

General app settings

By default, the Excalibur theme is set to Dark Theme. As a portal administrator, you can change the theme by following these steps:

  1. Click Set app level configuration settings in the left navigation menu.

    Alternatively, click App settings from the profile drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

  2. On the General App Settings tab, click the Default Theme drop-down menu and select a theme.

    Organization members will see the new default theme the next time they open the app.


    Organization members can override the default theme from the Viewing Mode tab of their user settings.

As a portal administrator, you can also select a default Excalibur start page, which is set to Connect View by default. To change the default start page, follow these steps:

  1. Click Set app level configuration settings in the left navigation menu.

    Alternatively, click App settings from the profile drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

  2. On the General App Settings tab, click the Default Start Page drop-down menu and select the default start page.

    Organization members will see the new default start page the next time they open the app.


    Organization members can override the default start page from the Viewing Mode tab of their user settings.

ArcGIS Video Server settings

If ArcGIS Video Server is installed and federated in the environment where Excalibur is running, portal administrators can configure different settings for the Video Server. If no Video Server is identified, these settings will not be available.

Register ArcGIS Data Store

As a portal administrator, you can register an existing ArcGIS Data Store with the Video Server site by following these steps:

  1. Click Set app level configuration settings in the left navigation menu.

    Alternatively, click App settings from the profile drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

  2. On the ArcGIS Video Server Settings tab, click Register Hosted Data Store.
  3. Click Register.

Set active Data Store

Once an ArcGIS Data Store has been registered with the video server, you can set it as the active data store for all video and metadata files. To set the active data store, follow these steps:

  1. Click Set app level configuration settings in the left navigation menu.

    Alternatively, click App settings from the profile drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

  2. On the ArcGIS Video Server Settings tab, click the data store drop-down menu and select the active data store.
  3. Click Set as Active.

Set Maximum Upload File Size

As a portal administrator, you can define the maximum file upload size to set the maximum threshold for a single file size that can be uploaded to the video server when publishing video files. If a file that exceeds this maximum size is uploaded during publishing, the process will fail. The default size is 5 GB, and the highest it can be set to is 10 GB (10000). Follow these steps to set the maximum file upload size:

  1. Click Set app level configuration settings in the left navigation menu.

    Alternatively, click App settings from the profile drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

  2. On the ArcGIS Video Server Settings tab.
  3. In the Maximum Upload File Size section, use the slider to set the maximum size and click Update Max Upload File Size.

Livestream video layers

As a portal administrator, you can publish and manage hosted livestream video layers for your organization. Organization members with permission to publish video layers can upload publish from video files and supported metadata files, but only administrators can publish livestream video layers. Livestream video layers have different streaming options that can be set based on the nature of the livestream. To publish a hosted livestream video layer, follow these steps:

  1. Click Create Layer.
  2. In the Configure and Publish a Live Stream Video Layer panel, enter a Layer Name, Service Name, and the Livestream Connection Address.
  3. Optionally enter a Summary and Tags.
  4. Choose how the stream will start in the Start Stream Options.
    • Start on Request: Start the livestream receiver whenever needed. This option provides the most control over when livestreaming ports are active and listening. You can manage the status of the configuration through the list of livestream services.
    • Start Automatically: Open the receiving port and initialize the livestream when the connection is configured and when the Video Layer is created. Use this option if the livestream is available at the time the configuration and live layer are created. The receiving communications port on the server will be opened immediately.
  5. Choose how the stream will stop in the Stop Stream Options.
    • Stop On Request: Stop the livestream connection whenever needed. This option provides the most control over when livestreaming ports are open and listening.
    • Stop Automatically: The livestream connection will be stopped, and the port will close when the Video Server detects the livestream has ended.
  6. Choose the Sharing Level.
  7. Choose the Group Sharing.
  8. Click New Livestream Video Layer to publish the layer.

    Once published, the new Livestream Video Layer will appear in the Manage Livestream Video Layers section within the Livestream Video Layers settings. You can select to Start or Stop the livestream in these settings. If the Start Stream Option was set to Start Automatically, the livestream will be shown as started. Existing livestream layers can also be deleted by clicking Delete.

  1. From the left navigation menu, click Set app level configuration settings.

    Alternatively, click your name at the top of the app and click App Settings.

  2. Click Livestream Video Layers.
  3. Click Create Layer.
  4. Type a layer name.
  5. Type the service name.
  6. Provide the live stream connection address.
  7. Optionally, provide a summary that describes the layer.
  8. Optionally, type tags that describe the layer

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

  9. For Start Stream Options, choose how to start the live stream.
    • Start On Request—Start the live stream receiver whenever needed. This option provides the most control over when live streaming ports are active and listening. You can manage the configuration status through the list of live stream services.
    • Start Automatically—Open the receiving port and initialize the live stream when the connection is configured and the video layer is created. Use this option if the live stream is available when the configuration and live layer are made. The receiving communications port on the server opens immediately.
  10. For Stop Stream Options, choose how to stop the live stream.
    • Stop On Request—Stop the live stream receiver whenever needed. This option provides the most control over when live streaming ports are active and listening.
    • Stop Automatically—Stop the live stream connection and close the port whenArcGIS Video Server detects that the live stream has ended.
  11. Choose a sharing level for the layer.
  12. Choose whether to share the layer with a group.
  13. Click New Livestream Video Layer.

Once the layer is published, it appears on the Analysis Layers page where it can be opened in the canvas in ArcGIS Excalibur. The layer also appears in the Manage Livestream Video Layers section in the Livestream Video Layers settings where you can start or stop the live stream, as well as delete the layer.

All published livestream video layers will be listed under Analysis Layers, from where they can be viewed and used for analysis by organization members with access to the layers.